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Making a Difference: Young Philanthropists Society: Piggy Bank Program

Have you had “the talk” with your child? No, not that talk, the one about the importance of saving money for the future. Chances are, considering everything else a parent has to worry about while their children are in elementary school, saving money is not at the top of the priority list even though it probably should be.

 Making a Difference YPS PIggy Bank

The Young Philanthropists Society (YPS) is a membership program through the United Way of Southern Nevada. Along with Junior Achievement, Silver State Schools Credit Union and the Andson Foundation, YPS is managing a program called “Piggy Bank” at Walter Bracken Elementary School. The program serves to teach kids the importance of saving for necessities like education, transportation, clothing, health care and housing. Fully funded and run by YPS membership and volunteers, “Piggy Bank” allows kids to deposit actual money into a savings account with an operational bank on campus, and offers supplementary financial literacy curriculum to students in the classroom. “I love the piggy bank project because we have the opportunity to interact with the children every week,” said Jordan Sacca, YPS Membership Chair. “We get to see how they earned their deposits and how excited they are to save their money. It has made a difference in so many ways in the students’ lives. They get to meet young, caring professionals who are at Bracken supporting them every week and they also get to start saving for the future and in some of these families they are the first to do so.”

Last year students saved $18,000 and are up to over $36,000 for the 2013-2014 school year. For more information visit www.uwsn.org/yps

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