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Tell us about: Southern Nevada Water Authority

Dig In • Cash In• Save Water
SNWA Water Smart Landscapes Rebate Program
Since 2000, the Southern Nevada Water Authority’s (SNWA) Water Smart Landscapes Rebate program (WSL) has been at the forefront of the region’s efforts to conserve water amid ongoing drought on the Colorado River Basin. From its inception, WSL has helped the community save more than 108 billion gallons of water—enough to fill more than 164,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. The amount of turf converted could cover 3,205 football fields, and would be enough to wrap an 18-inch roll of sod around 94 percent of the earth’s circumference.
In case you’re unfamiliar with WSL, here’s how it works: For each square foot of water-thirsty turf you convert to water-efficient, desert-adapted landscaping, the SNWA will rebate $2 up to the first 5,000 square feet, and $1 per square foot of grass removed beyond the first 5,000 square feet. In addition to the financial incentives for property owners, the SNWA projects a savings of 55,000 gallons of water per year for the average 1,000 square-foot WSL conversion. You also can realize further savings through reduced repair costs for water damage related to sprinklers, as well as lower landscape maintenance fees and a decreased risk of water waste fees.
The process is simple, and follows three easy steps: check in, dig in, and cash in.
Check In
Begin your landscape transformation by applying at snwa.com, or calling (702) 258-SAVE (7283) for a printed application. After completing the application, SNWA Conservation staff will review your lawn, measure the conversion areas, calculate your rebate, and answer your questions. A pre-conversion site visit is required before removing your lawn; starting the process without the site visit will make your conversion ineligible.
Upon enrollment, you will receive the “Simply Beautiful” packet, a step-by-step guide to landscape planning, installation and maintenance. The SNWA also offers a variety of online tools and resources to help you plan, install, and maintain your new landscape.
Dig In
From here, you can dig in and do the work yourself, or if you choose instead to hire a professional, you can review a list of Water Smart Contractors at snwa.com. Water Smart Contractors are well-trained in the WSL program, and they can help you get your landscape conversion completed.
If you elect to complete the work yourself, take advantage of free sample landscape designs at snwa.com. The SNWA website also features a plant search tool, presented in conjunction with the Springs Preserve, which you can use to search for plants by type, such as trees, cactus, or groundcover; characteristics including height, water requirements, and flower colors; and by common or botanical name.
Cash In
Once your conversion is done and an SNWA staff member has signed-off on it, you’ll begin to reap water-savings benefits, in addition to pocketing your rebate. Every square foot of grass replaced with water-smart trees, shrubs and flowers saves an average of 55 gallons of water per year. For WSL program conditions, FAQs, sample landscape designs and other resources, visit snwa.com.