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Meet Your Neighbor: Kevin Morss
They say that everything old becomes new again. For instance, retro t-shirts are the newest rage. Remember the ones you may have collected with your favorite band like, The Rolling Stones or The Who? New stores have popped up and specialize in just these shirts. 89074 resident Kevin Morss wears a t-shirt that some might think of as a retro notion, but today seems more important than ever. On days when he’s not in his office at WestCare of Southern Nevada, (a family of tax-exempt nonprofit organizations which provide a wide spectrum of health and human services in both residential and outpatient environments,) you’ll see him wearing a shirt that says just two words…Be Kind. Kindness was a common courtesy that seems more prevalent in earlier days, but the word is spreading through a kindness revolution. Kevin Morss is committed to the tagline—not just by wearing the shirt, but by living the message.
By: Callie Thomas
Kevin began his career with WestCare as an Outreach Worker, targeting high-risk youth. Each night he’d map the streets of Las Vegas talking to homeless kids about the services they offered at WestCare. Throughout the years he’s worked diligently with various populations and in a multitude of positions within the company. Throughout his travels he’s met many people that have increased his involvement in the community through innovative organizations and people working in social services. Through those associations he became involved with the Josh Stevens Foundation. An organization that honors the memory of a boy who lost his life just before his 13th birthday by carrying on his legacy for kind acts. Morss tells us about his commitment to community-based non-profit programs and why he’s part of the Kindness Revolution.
At WestCare the motto is “Uplifting the human spirit.” How do you accomplish this?
“By consistently improving, expanding and strengthening the quality, efficiency and cost-effectiveness of everything that we do in building for the future. We empower everyone to engage in a process of healing, growing and change which benefits themselves, their families, coworkers and communities.”
What type of services are offered at WestCare?
“We offer programs for women and children, Veterans, the homeless plus resident treatment facilities, mental health services and transitional living services.”
That alone must keep you busy, but you’ve also become very involved in the Josh Stevens Foundation?
“Yes, Josh’s legacy of kindness has now spread to more than 350 schools in eight states including Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Minnesota, Florida, New Jersey and Mississippi. We’re currently working with new schools in Germany, Alaska and Hawaii and have reached worldwide to support a Kind playground in Uganda, Africa named after Josh.”
What’s the mission of the Josh Stevens Foundation?
“We want children and adults to know that people really do appreciate their kind actions, even though most times they go unnoticed. Kindness cards are a simple way to let someone know that their genuine kindness can change the world.”
Any experiences you’d like to share?
“In working with Josh’s family I’ve learned the importance of my own legacy and talking to my children about theirs. I find myself often thinking about how people will remember me and if they will say that I was a genuinely kind person.”
Why is it important for you to give back to the community?
“Both my wife and I work in community-based, non-profit organizations. You might say that our hearts are rich, but our pockets are empty. Our family believes in the importance of involving ourselves in our community and of philanthropy.”
What are you most proud to have accomplished?
“Marrying my wife. And I’m not just saying that because our anniversary is coming up. I’m proud of being a dad to my two beautiful children Madilynn and Carter. I never imagined being a dad would be so awesome.”
Any inspiration or advice to others you’d like to share?
“The choices we make today will determine the legacy we leave behind.”