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A Step Above: A Step Above – Ashton Martin
Silverado High School
Class of 2013
The youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow, and with fearless guides such as Silverado High School senior Ashton Martin to lead them, they are destined for big things. With a passion for music, education and helping out in the community, Ashton brings an indomitable spirit and a daring optimism to everything she does, building a future for herself and her peers without letting anything get in her way. Hard work keeps her focused, charity keeps her humble and perseverance keeps her striving to achieve greatness, all of which combine to elevate Ashton Martin to – A Step Above.
G.P.A.: 4.5
- Volleyball, 2009-11; Captain, 2009
- Varsity Golf, 2011-12
- Madrigal Choir, 2009-12
- Honor Choir, 2009-12; Soprano I Section Leader, 2011-12
- All State Choir, 2009-12
- Student Council, 2011-Present; Student Body VP, 2012
- Youth Advisory Council for Water District, 2012
- British Memory Talent Show, 2012; Event Chair, 2012
- Senior Class Committee, 2012
Awards/Community Service
- State Runner Up in Solo & Ensemble, 2009-12
- Command Performance Winner (Women’s Ensemble), 2010
- Section Leader, CCSD Honor Choir, 2011-Present
- President of Choir, 2012
- National Honor Society, 2012
- Engineering Club VP, 2012
- Operation Smile Club, 2010-Present; Treasurer, 2010-Present
- AP Ambassador, 2012
- Church Choir, 2012
- Caroling for Nursing Homes, 2009-12
- PB&J-A-Thon, 2011-12
- “Put on Christmas” for Shade Tree, 2011-12
Goals & Aspirations: “I hope to acquire straight As as a senior, get in the college of my choice with scholarships, and continue to grow my knowledge of the world. I hope to one day become a doctor in neuroscience or have a career in the music field. I am not sure where life will lead me, but I know I see myself successful and happy in whatever I choose.”
Ashton Looks Up To: “My grandmother. She is who has supported me most in my music and always knows the right thing to say to me. I will constantly look up to her, not only because she’s 5’11” but because she is the most passionate, kind and loving woman I have ever met. My grandma is not just someone I look up to; she is someone I aspire to be.”
Part of the Solution: “I think a key issue facing young adults today is not having a future in the failing economy. I have applied to being part of the youth council for the school board of trustees and if chosen to be a participant I will have my voice heard. Young adults are the key to the future. If youth issues are never looked upon, progress will be difficult to achieve.”