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For Advertisers: Native Advertising

Let’s be honest here. Raise your hand if you know what Native Advertising means and how it’s used for marketing?

If your hand is still resting on your keyboard, you’re not alone. A recent survey by Copy Blogger found you’re among 49% of respondents (over 2,000 people took the survey) who, literally, had no idea what Native Advertising entails and how it’s used. In a world that mixes Tweets and “Likes” with more traditional forms of advertising and marketing, it’s admittedly hard to keep up with it all.

While Native Advertising may not be for everyone, wouldn’t you like to know more about it, in case it makes sense as a marketing tactic for your business? We found this great article that gives a simple, understandable breakdown of Native Advertising and it’s many uses: http://www.copyblogger.com/examples-of-native-ads/.

We hope it is helpful for you!

See you around the neighborhood,


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