Tony Lang

Tony Lang
Palo Verde High School
Class of 2019
“Experience is the best teacher”, says Palo Verde High School senior Tony Lang, for whom success and failure carry equal weight. The former is to be celebrated as a hard-fought-for achievement, while the latter is absorbed as a lesson in resilience and perseverance. When faced with a challenging scenario, whether it’s on the field, at home, in the classroom or in student government, he tackles it head on with resolve to never back down, knowing that regardless of the outcome, he’ll walk forward in life a better person because of it. Taking nothing for granted, and every day as an opportunity to be better, faster and stronger than before, Tony Lang is– A Step Above.
G.P.A.: 4.2
- -Varsity Football, 2015-2016/2018-2019
- -Varsity Basketball, 2015-2019
- -Varsity Track, 2018-2019
- -Student Body Vice President, 2018-2019
- -Black Student Union, 2018-2019
Awards/Community Service:
- -Nevada State Champion for Basketball, 2015-2016
- -State Runner-Up–Clark High School Basketball, 2016-2017
- -Cornerstone Church Mexico Mission, 2017/2018
- -Cornerstone Church Panama Mission, 2018
- -Student of the Quarter, 2019
How did it feel to win the state championship for basketball? “It’s always nice to win a state championship, but being able to win it freshman year was extraordinary. It showed me the work I’d have to put in if I wanted to get another one and allowed me to meet so many people throughout that whole season.”
What is your strongest personal quality? “I believe I’m a pretty optimistic and outgoing person. I’ve developed relationships with classmates who never thought they’d have a consistent friendship with someone like me, and those relationships helped with certain projects or even events I’ve had to run for student council.”
You have a habit of going “above and beyond”. What sparked this winning approach? “Growing up in a single working mother household alongside three older siblings, I developed an early sense of responsibility. I’ve had to wake myself up, get ready, and walk (or catch the bus) since the 2nd grade. With that responsibility came a strong sense of determination to not just be another statistic in terms of fatherless African-American males who go on to be average.”
You are definitely not one to quit. What’s your secret to staying on course? “As someone who has 8 classes (5 AP periods), the responsibilities of student council, the challenge of trying to be good in sports, and the desire to be a good friend, life is challenging, but never enough to make me quit. I remind myself that the valuable things in life don’t come easy, and the best ideas don’t come out of the blue. I have to take everything for what it’s worth and use that experience to help myself out in the future.”