Jackie Smith

Jackie Smith
Foothill High School
Class of 2019
Foothill High School Valedictorian Jackie Smith is a firm believer that hard work trumps talent any day. And while she does possess a range of natural ability, she has relied strongly on perseverance and tenacity to earn her stripes and accolades. Academics is where she’s exerted the most effort, always striving for straight A’s and willing to go the extra mile to achieve it. Outside the classroom she is persistent in improving herself as a dancer and dance teacher with a passion that’s earned her a coveted spot on the University of Utah dance team. Proving her own philosophy that, “You become unstoppable once you learn to never give up,” Jackie Smith is– A Step Above.
G.P.A.: 4.8
- -JV Dance Team, 2015-2016
- -Varsity Dance Team, 2016-Present
- -Marching Band Member, 2015-2016
- -Wind Ensemble Top band 2nd Chair–Flute, 2015-2016
- -National Honor Society, 2016-Present
- -Link Crew, 2017-Present
- -Mu Alpha Theta, 2018-2019
Scholarships/Awards/Community Service:
- -University of Utah Freshman Academic Achievement Scholarship, 2019-2023
- -Principal’s Award, 2019
- -English Department Award, 2019
- -High Honors Graduate Award, 2019
- -Falcon Staff Scholarship Recipient, 2019
- -National Hip Hop UDA Nationals–2nd Place, 2019
- -National Game Day UDA Nationals–4th Place, 2019
- -National Pom UDA Nationals–5th Place, 2019
- -JV Dance Team Jazz Excellence Award, 2016
- -Varsity Dance Team 110% Award, 2018; Excellence Award, 2019
- -Nevada All-State Academic Team, 2019
- -Smalley Elementary Harvest Festival Volunteer, 2017 & 2018
- -Spread the Word Nevada Volunteer, 2016-2019
- -Mardi Gras Marathon Volunteer, 2017-2019
- -Las Vegas Catholic Mission Volunteer, 2015
What are your plans for after high school? “I plan on attending the University of Utah to study cellular and molecular biology. As a pre-med student, my goal is to study as hard as possible in order to be accepted into medical school so I may pursue a career as a dermatologist. I am also so excited to dance on the University of Utah Dance Team.”
How big of a role does natural talent play in your success? “I would consider myself a fairly successful person, but this is due to my hard work rather than my natural talent or intelligence. I believe that someone that works 10x harder than someone who has raw talent will be just as successful, if not more.”
You really put yourself out there to audition for the University of Utah dance team. What did you gain from that experience? “I drove 6 hours to a brand-new city to try out for a dance team of a university where I know no one. From that experience, I’ve gained confidence, mental strength, and the ability to be independent and focus on bettering myself.”
Who is someone you look up to and why? “I’ve been lucky to have many role models, but there is no one I look up to more than my parents. My mom has been the best example of an independent woman, going through life with the strength and grace I hope to attain. My dad is the most hard-working man I have ever met, and his sense of humor and strong moral values are something I also hope to carry within myself.”