Michael Herrera
By Callie Thomas
“You just gotta ignite the light…and let it shine
just own the night…like the Fourth of July” – Katy Perry
It only takes a spark to ignite a fiery sense of community among neighbors. As it happened, resident Michael Herrera was just what the neighborhood needed in 2003 when he became a homeowner in Coventry Homes at Anthem. The firefighter/paramedic is driven by his passion to help and serve the community, and his efforts have fostered friendships and a sense of giving among his neighbors. “I’ve always enjoyed serving the community by responding to medical emergencies, house fires, traffic collisions, flood emergencies and helping others in their time of need,” says Herrera. “The progression to start a community organization in our own neighborhood felt natural to me.”
Not one for “sitting on his hands” and “letting opportunities pass,” Michael started what has become the Coventry Neighborhood Watch Program in February of 2009 in association and cooperation with the police department of Henderson. Largely through the magic of Facebook, something Michael is a master at utilizing, the program has effectively created a community that socializes and supports one another in various ways, from watching out for vandalism to exercising in the park.
The Coventry Neighborhood Watch Program has grown to include sub clubs, a few neighborhood groups that get involved in benevolent programs. The Coventry Mom’s Club has supported Help of Southern Nevada by adopting needy families for Christmas this past year. They raised over $1,000 to provide gifts for the families. The Coventry Fitness Club Members are participating in a 5K fundraiser to support the March of Dimes and the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. Neighborhood Watch members also donated 115 toys to the Southern Nevada Firefighters Burn Fund. The group is active in helping families within the Coventry community, too. “When it was revealed that a few of our neighborhood kids have Type I Diabetes, the Coventry Homes at Anthem community members supported the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation by attending events that help to raise funds for the organization,” said Herrera. All of the clubs help to create a desirable and safe community. Residents choose to participate under their own volition with varying levels of effort. All participation is voluntary.
Herrera feels that the quality of the community depends on the energy of its residents. By creating a culture within the neighborhood that encourages residents to become engaged, along with an inviting atmosphere where families rely on one another, community members will help to stave off crime and suspicious activity. “We also continue to host various events that encourage interaction like our Spring Fling Picnic, various outdoor picture shows in Harmony Park, a July 4th block party, Halloween Safe Street and even a visit from Santa Claus,” he said. All of the neighborhood events are free and funded by the residents.
Michael Herrera is proud of dispelling the statistics from a recent UNLV study which found that only 33% of respondents felt a strong sense of belonging in their neighborhood. The Coventry Neighborhood Watch program and resident gatherings have greatly challenged those statistics. He feels a sense of pride in raising his own family in the area, which includes wife Amity, two and a half year old son Jaxson, and their soon to arrive new baby. “We’re not alone in our homes, neighborhoods and communities that our children will live in someday. We are all responsible for creating the kind of neighborhood you want to live in, thrive in and raise your family.”
Susan Pucciarelli
By Callie Thomas
“Ours is a circle of friendships united by ideals.”
– Juliette Gordon Low, Founder of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America
You may remember the first time you or your daughter wore that first Girl Scout uniform (years ago it was green or brown with matching knee socks, no less) and the sense of pride and accomplishment you received as you earned the badges for helping others in the community. The camaraderie that develops among the girls and their troops continues to set the stage for building character and skills for success in the real world. Resident Susan Pucciarelli is a mom that can relate, having had two girls that joined the Girl Scouts in first and second grade. Moreover, she’s been involved with the organization, in addition to other charitable organizations that assist youth in our community, for the past 14 years in a variety of capacities.
Susan has worked hard to build her career in the banking industry and is currently with City National Bank in the lending area. “During my banking career, I have helped clients enhance and expand their businesses, purchase their own office buildings and develop new retail centers and office complexes,” Pucciarelli said. Her initial desire to become involved with helping the youth in Southern Nevada is a direct result of her work in the banking industry. “Many companies, including local banks, participated with community organizations to help the youth in Clark County. I have participated in several programs focused on encouraging and helping children throughout my career.”
Susan has been involved in programs with Child Haven, the PayBac program, which encourages middle school students to stay in school and graduate, as well as Junior Achievement. The latter is a program geared toward teaching business, economics and life skills to students in grades K-12. It was when her two girls joined the Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada that she found a need for parental involvement as leaders and within the structure of the council. “I knew the organization would benefit them,” Susan said. “I believe strongly in the program offered to young girls and in the mission of the world-wide organization, which is to build courage, confidence and character in girls to make the world a better place.” The Southern Nevada chapter is currently 10,000 girls and adult members strong. Membership is open to all girls 5-17 years of age. Today there are 3.2 million Girl Scout members throughout the United States and more than 92 countries through USA Girl Scouts Overseas.
Pucciarelli began her support on the Finance Committee and later on the Executive Committee when there was a need to relocate and build a new, modern structure which would accommodate the growth of Girl Scouting in the area for the next 50 years. “I was Treasurer for the organization for two terms, during which time the construction of the facility began and was completed.”
Susan’s outreach efforts are also felt at her church, St. Thomas More, through the Youth and Life Teen programs. She is also involved in the Peacemakers ministry which makes scripture quilts for those that are homebound and for the bereavement group. “I have sewn since I was in middle school and enjoy making quilts. When people are suffering from illness or from the loss of a loved one, they find great comfort in the quilts.”
Susan Pucciarelli is proud to give back in appreciation of the many people and mentors that have given her the skills and the time that have enabled her to grow and be successful in Las Vegas. “The community has allowed me and my husband Paul to raise our two girls, keep them safe and afford me the opportunity to enjoy my family. Giving back is the right thing to do that will make a positive difference in someone else’s life.”
Barton H. Foutz, D.D.S.
By Callie Thomas
Dentistry in America dates back to 1760, when John Baker traveled from England and became the first practicing dentist. One of America’s most famous heroes trained under Baker and became the country’s first forensic dentist. Paul Revere, who is most fondly remembered for his midnight ride and alert about the British troops, was the first dentist to assist Crime Scene Investigators (yes, they had CSIs even then). Over the years, dentists and dentistry has made a difference in the health and well-being of a nation and inspired dentists in this country to reach out to other lands to lend a hand. Resident Barton H. Foutz, D.D.S. is one such dentist, who has provided his expertise to assist teens and young adults in El Salvador and Honduras.
Dentistry runs in the Foutz family. Barton is a fourth generation dentist. His great grandfather practiced in Utah around the turn of the century. His grandfather practiced in Las Vegas from 1942 to 1968 and his father had a practice here for 35 years. So it is easy to see that Barton would have an interest in carrying on the family tradition. For 25 years, Dr. Foutz has continued his proud legacy by providing Nevada families with the finest dental care that commitment and technology can provide, from preventative to cosmetic to restorative. “I love staying up with current dental treatment modalities,” says Dr. Foutz.
Barton is husband of twenty five years to wife JoAnne and father of five children. It was his eldest daughter’s LDS mission to El Salvador that first inspired this Las Vegas dentist to use his skills to help other children. “I’ve learned that we in the United States are very privileged. My oldest daughter described the living conditions she had encountered there. Soon after her return, we went as a family, and I had the opportunity to join a group from Smiles for Central America.”
Teams of dental and medical professionals and volunteers travel to Central America to participate in Smiles for Central America. Their focus is to provide dental and medical services for young men and women in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Nicaragua. The group provides hope, love and support, as well as a variety of community service projects for orphanages, children’s cancer hospitals, maternity hospitals, dental schools and families in need. “I helped to treat over 570 teens and young adults. It was an absolutely amazing experience. It was a great feeling to know that we could use our skills to help many who had never been to a dentist before.”
Foutz’s dedication for helping others continues, and he has also traveled to Honduras to help in a similar fashion. “After El Salvador last year, I went to San Pedro Sula in Honduras. My family couldn’t come that time but it was still an amazing experience to join with nearly a hundred other people, all with the same objective. You have an amazing sense of connectedness that would be hard to get in any other way. We treated over 400 young people there.”
Dr. Foutz has also been volunteering his time right here in our community for many years in a variety of positions for the Boy Scouts of America. “This has been going on for the last twenty years,” says Foutz. “I have served as a crew leader, a varsity coach, assistant district commissioner and a chartered organization representative. I believe the Boy Scouts of America teaches young men and women to serve others and live a moral, valued life. These youths are our future. We need to invest in helping them succeed in every way possible.”
Dentist, father and family man, Barton Foutz leads by example, giving his time and energy to both his family and patients, while maintaining a lifelong endeavor to help and serve others in our community and abroad.
Barbara Kenig
By Callie Thomas
Peter Rabbit and “Bugs” aren’t the only famous bunnies around. Resident Barbara Kenig, a.k.a. “E Bunny” has been hopping down the Easter trail with baskets of goodies for thousands of children in need over the past 21 years. “When my son Jay was just three years old he asked me if I was the Easter Bunny. My husband Howard’s nickname for me was Bunny, so it was inevitable that I decided to call our grass-roots community outreach effort E Bunny,” says Kenig. The E Bunny program started while Barbara and her family lived in Detroit; she started it here when she moved to Las Vegas twelve years ago. ‘It was funny because I”m Jewish,’ she said. ‘But it”s all about the kids. Everybody remembers them at Christmas and the big holidays, but nobody thinks about Easter.”
Formerly a radio and television producer, Kenig gradually moved into PR and Publicity to co-found the PR firm In the Public Eye with her husband. Currently, she utilizes her talents in reaching the media to raise awareness for individuals, businesses and charitable events and causes–particularly her own labor of love, E Bunny. The way Kenig looks at it, the baskets represent more than just a sweet treat or new toy for the children. “The meaning of Easter is so important to these families…the baskets bring a message of hope and renewal at a time when it’s needed most.”
With this effort, Barbara Kenig has garnered support from individuals and local businesses and has transcended religion to put smiles on the faces of thousands of children who live under impoverished circumstances. “Economic influences have made it more difficult for so many families who struggle day to day just to put food on the table for their children, and in many cases, a roof over their heads,” says Kenig. “We get requests from shelters and groups that help the homeless every year. We look for groups and organizations that aren’t sponsored by large charities or outreach programs. We look for those who otherwise wouldn’t have Easter baskets for the kids.” E Bunny has grown to provide as many as 2,750 baskets to children in 2009 and more than 1,800 in 2010.
Businesses and individuals donate pre-packaged Easter baskets that may be purchased at any grocery, drugstore or general department store. Last year the E Bunny delivered baskets to organizations including the Las Vegas City and Rescue Missions, Straight from the Streets, Clark County Social Services, the Las Vegas Housing Authority, Social Services, Lutheran Social Services, Nevada Social Services, Heads Up, Family Promise and Safe House. Kenig has garnered the support of local celebrities who have lent their time to public service announcements including Rich Little and Lance Burton. “Over the years, it’s been a blessing and a mitzvah to be part of the magic that’s created when community comes together to bring joy to our children in need.”
Barbara spends much of her time from January through Easter on the E Bunny program each year. The rest of the year she takes on other public relations responsibilities for various charitable causes that are brought to her through friends and associates. Kenig has been associated with L’Dor V’Dor, a senior outreach group at Temple Beth Shalom, Straight from the Streets homeless advocates, The Jewish Federation Food Pantry and Las Vegas Rescue Mission. She also enjoys passing out stuffed animals given to her by Ty inc. and other manufacturers of plush goods to children in hospitals and in the poorest areas of the city. She draws strength from the support of her family, maintaining a positive attitude and doing something to make a difference. “I believe we are here to help one another…the best thing we can do in life is get out of ourselves and do something for someone else.”
For information on donating Easter baskets through the E Bunny program, visit http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/ebunny.
Anne Schadler
By Callie Thomas
When spring arrives, the notion of “reinvention” is a popular topic among magazine publishers in just about every category, from women’s lifestyle to sports to financial guidance. When the weather turns a bit warmer, the idea of banishing the winter blues is even more appealing as visions of fresh starts dance in our psyche. Reinventing one’s self can be as simple as changing your style, adopting a new game plan or becoming more fiscally responsible. But what if the reinvention is something much more transformational, like dealing with the stress, anxiety and depression caused by a devastating illness like cancer? Resident Anne Schadler is convinced that yoga is the path to self inquiry and awakening the healing forces from within. In the last five years, Anne has conducted 780 classes for 15,000 students who would agree.
Originally from Kansas City, Anne earned a Bachelor’s degree in dance, which led her to New York and ultimately to Las Vegas where she danced in the show Jubilee at Bally’s Hotel. She pursued an interest in marketing and went on to a career at Neiman Marcus as the Public Relations Manager. It was about that time that she also became intrigued by yoga, primarily for the physical benefits, but as Schadler says, “You don’t find yoga; yoga finds you.” She began to notice changes taking place in her life and in those around her. “Yoga put me on the path of self discovery, and to this day the journey continues even in my present role of teaching yoga privately and with people living with cancer.”
Through yoga, Schadler found her life’s calling and shares her knowledge and giving spirit with cancer patients through the Nevada Cancer Institute (NVCI). The nonprofit organization combines the best in research, education, early detection, prevention and high-quality patient care to help each patient in their battle against cancer. Studies have shown that breast cancer patients who participate in yoga have improved health and quality of life. Yoga helps to develop greater internal calm, strengthens the immune system, and enables patients to fight their disease by tapping into their inner, spiritual dimension.
Anne is a 200-hour registered yoga instructor and her experience encompasses a wide range of teachings. She draws inspiration to benefit her students through regular travels to India. Her efforts are well received by her students who have described her as “kind,” “patient” and “very giving.” Last November she was named a Local Hero by the Bank of America Charitable Foundation. She is one of five to receive the coveted recognition. The program is a national philanthropic initiative that recognizes community leaders who contribute to the health of their neighborhood through volunteer services and civic engagement. The program also supports nonprofit organizations by allowing recipients to direct $5,000 to the nonprofit of their choice. Schadler chose to direct her funds to NVCI. “To me, teaching yoga is a reward in and of itself,” Anne said. “Seeing cancer patients gain strength during my class is truly a joy.”
In addition to NVCI, Anne and her husband John, who is managing partner of SK & G Advertising, support other charitable organizations such as the Andre Agassi Foundation for Education, Cleveland Clinic’s Lou Ruvo Brain Institute, The Smith Center for the Performing Arts, the Nathan Adelson Hospice, Three Square and Volunteers in Medicine of Southern Nevada. “We are very blessed, and we know how important it is for our community to be of service to others; to give and give selflessly,” she said. “We are a part of the fabric of the community and we each play an integral role in its health, vitality and growth.”
Tracy Atamian
By Callie Thomas
Today’s lifestyle means a lot of rushing around, longer work days and a hefty dose of stress that goes with meeting the demands of work, taking care of family and just trying to get the laundry done somewhere in between. When you finally get to carve out a little “me” time one of those retreats just might be a stroll through a sweet boutique known as Tracy’s, named after the owner, founder and resident Tracy Atamian.
Tracy’s is like a breath of fresh air; a throwback to a slower time when family-owned businesses treated customers to lots of warmth and hospitality–and where they really know your name. From the swinging screen door to the personal greeting by Miss Belle, the shop kitty, customers feel at ease among the unique gifts and home décor. “I got started doing the Art Festival Circuits in Las Vegas,” says Atamian, “I also opened up my home and gave home shows. With great encouragement from my family and friends I opened Tracy’s. Everyone receives great customer service and is treated to fabulous complimentary gift wrap.”
The little shop has also become an important meeting place for many amazing women who have become friends and allowed Atamian to gain an important awareness of the needs in the community. “At Tracy’s, we always love to host parties, and with each party, we always attach it to a charity,” she said.
Tracy and her husband Rodney are parents to a baby girl named Lily Rose, and so it is understandable that one of her favorite charitable organizations is Baby’s Bounty. Baby’s Bounty provides essential clothing and gear to babies born into disadvantaged families. With the rising number of homelessness among families and young children, newborns are often released from the hospital without proper clothing and supplies. Hospital and Clark County officials have confirmed that many families were leaving the hospital without any supplies whatsoever for their newborn children. Through Baby’s Bounty, each baby in need receives a diaper bag filled with new and gently used infant clothing, blankets, bottles, toiletries and vital equipment such as a car seat, stroller, portable crib and more. The organization’s founder, Kim Amato, became a dear friend of Tracy’s through the shop, so assisting the organization was a natural fit.
“Baby’s Bounty definitely resonates in my heart. It is a small nonprofit organization with very big aspirations! As a friend of Kim’s I see first-hand the passion and devotion she puts into this charity on a daily basis. Baby’s Bounty has helped over 800 babies in just the past few years.” Tracy donates 10% of her daily baby section proceeds to Baby’s Bounty on an on-going basis.
Tracy’s is also involved with other local charities, including the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Opportunity Village, Shade Tree, Stillpoint Center for Spiritual Development, Breast Cancer Awareness and Three Square Food Bank’s Back-Pack Program. “I feel in our great state that no child should go hungry,” Tracy said. “We must provide our children with nourishment…we are feeding our future. To assist the various organizations, Tracy has introduced “Good to Give” as well as “Baking for a Cause” where cupcakes, cookies and cakes are sold to raise funds.
Tracy Atamian is a successful business woman, wife and mother who stays true to herself and does what she loves most. “Without Tracy’s I would not be able to support the causes that are important to me, because my clients are very generous in giving back to the community. I hope that my story inspires other businesses to embrace the spirit of giving… because it’s always Good to Give.”
Noah Kohn, M.D.
By Callie Thomas
Imagine what the world would be like if every apple represented an opportunity to truly keep the doctor away for Nevada’s children. As wonderful as that folk tale may be, the reality is that children need doctors. But recent studies have shown that nearly one in five children entering kindergarten have no form of health insurance and most have not seen a doctor in years. Resident Dr. Noah Kohn was determined to make a difference and did something about it.
Kohn originally hailed from the Washington, DC area where he attended medical school at Georgetown University. While in Washington he also met his wife, Erin Bilbray-Kohn, a third generation Nevadan. He completed his pediatric training at the University of Virginia where he worked in a variety of settings including primary care, pediatric emergency and urgent care as well as inpatient (hospitalist) settings. “All of these experiences have given me the opportunity to see the needs of children,” said Kohn. “I founded and run Clinics in Schools, a nonprofit, free clinic for uninsured children.”
Clinics in Schools is the only year-round, full-time, completely free clinic for children in the state of Nevada. Primary care medical services are provided to children out of two clinics which are located on the campuses of Reynaldo Martinez Elementary School in North Las Vegas and Sister Cynthia Cunningham Elementary School in the eastern part of Las Vegas. Services are provided completely free to any child under the age of 18, and to anyone 18 or older who is still enrolled in school.
Since opening the clinics three years ago, the medical team has provided child care, sports physicals, sick care and vaccinations to over 14,000 children. In 2010 alone, Clinics in Schools provided care to over 5,000 children. “Serious or life-threatening problems aren’t generally more common in these children,” Dr. Noah says, “but in many cases these problems would have gone undetected until it was too late.” Over the past three years since the organization was formed, Clinics in Schools medical staff has been able to identify several serious medical conditions in time for the children to be treated and cured. “Without Clinics in Schools these children would have been far more ill before obtaining medical care and might have even succumbed to the illnesses.”
The lion’s share of funding for the clinics comes from the United Way of Southern Nevada; however, there are many throughout the community who have graciously supported the organization. The group recently held its second Annual Golden Apple Gala at Gold Boutique Nightclub and Lounge inside Aria Resort & Casino. The cornerstone event drew corporate sponsorships as well as private donations to help fund the operations of Clinics in Schools. Dr. Kohn hopes to eventually expand operations throughout Nevada.
In addition to his work with the clinics, Noah Kohn has also served on the Board of Olive Crest Homes and Services for Abused and Neglected Children. He has also assisted on the Nevada State Health Division’s Advisory Council on Fitness and Wellness for three years and continues to serve as an ex-oficio member. He is especially honored to be able to serve on the Campaign Council of the United Way of Southern Nevada.
Dr. Kohn and his wife are the parents of two young daughters. Caroline is eight and aspires to be a navy pilot, astronaut AND the first female Governor of Nevada. Daughter Daisy is five and committed to her lifelong goal of growing up to be Tinker Bell. They are proud to instill their passion for giving back to their daughters. “As a child, my family didn’t have much, but we were always cared for both by our parents and others in our community. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without that community support, so it is important to me to give back to others in need.”
Chris, Deborah, Zoe and Lily Gandy
By Callie Thomas
It is often said that good things come in small packages. The Gandy family, residents of 89123, learned quickly that a small package can offer both incredible joy and unfathomable challenges–especially when the tiny bundle was their newborn daughter Lily.
Deborah and Chris are the mom and dad of the Gandy household and have lived practically their entire lives in Las Vegas. Chris has been a police officer serving the community for the past 14 years while wife Deborah nurtures their two daughters, Zoe and Lily, at home on a daily basis. Zoe is the eldest sister at age seven and Lily is now four. It is hard to believe, yet difficult to forget, that Lily had been born nine weeks early due to a medical emergency and had entered the world at a miniscule 2 pounds, 9 ounces and just 14 and three-quarter inches long. The couple had to leave the hospital without their little baby, putting Lily in the hands of medical experts rather than taking care of her themselves. “It is really difficult when you’re the mom, you’re supposed to be taking care of her, and instead there’s a team of people that are taking care of her for you,” Deborah said. The family found comfort in the March of Dimes of Las Vegas organization.
The mission of the group is to help improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. It is estimated that in Nevada more than 5,200 babies are born prematurely each year. Since the inception of the March of Dimes in 1938, the organization has conducted research, provided community services, education and advocacy to save babies’ lives. It has been successful in funding important research which has led to finding a cure for polio as well as a synthetic surfactant therapy that preterm babies receive in order to breathe when their lungs are not fully developed. “We became active in the March of Dimes after Lily was born. We call raising money for the March of Dimes our therapy,” she said. “We want to make sure no one has to endure what we did, but if they do, they know there is someone out there that can help them and is fighting for them,” says Chris.
The Gandys are proud of their association with the March of Dimes and have even been chosen as the Ambassador Family for 2011. “We hope by sharing our story we can raise a lot of money for research,” Deborah said. Through their interaction with the group, the Gandys have met many other families with similar stories at the March of Dimes fundraisers. “We love seeing the families at all the events and my daughters love being a part of the festivities.” The girls enjoy participating in the family picnic in the fall and taking part in the pumpkin carving event at Halloween. Their favorite is the spring fundraiser walk, March for Babies. This year on May 7, the annual three-mile March for Babies walk will be held at Town Square. The family hopes to raise $2,000 for the March of Dimes. Those interested in participating may register at www.marchforbabies.org.
The Gandy family has also lent their time to other community organizations such as Shade Tree, Family Promise, Shop with a Cop, Salvation Army Angel Tree Program and Lutheran Family Services. Giving back is important to this family that does everything together. “We were raised in this community. Everyone needs a helping hand in their life. Even the smallest gesture can make a difference like giving a dollar to the grocery store for their charity of the month. There are also many organizations that could use just a little of your time.”
Kimberly Abbott
By Callie Thomas
In the beginning, it might have sounded like a primetime legal drama: Promising young attorney passes the bar and lands a job with a mid-sized law firm outside of Boston. Two years later she moves to Vegas, takes a huge pay cut and begins a career in Legal Aid. You can almost hear the gasps of her co-workers (and would be audience), but as it turns out, it was probably the best decision Kimberly Abbott ever made.
“I went to law school knowing I wanted to do public interest work,” says Abbott. “I felt I had gotten a bit off track and began exploring other positions.” She answered an ad for Pro Bono Project Director in Las Vegas, although she applied never thinking she’d actually move. In fact, she mostly responded for the interviewing experience. But that changed when she actually met her soon-to-be co-workers. “I heard them talk with such passion about the work they did at Legal Aid. I knew I wanted the job right then and there.”
For the past six years, Kimberly has been the Pro Bono Project Director at the Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada. Since 1958 the organization has been providing free legal services to low-income Southern Nevadans. The project coordinates private attorney volunteers who donate their time and talents to assist those who cannot afford representation. Upon her appointment, she immediately immersed herself in the community, met many judges and most of the Nevada Supreme Court Justices as well as bar and community leaders and prominent attorneys. Through networking, she convinces lawyers to volunteer. She also volunteers herself and is currently helping a 16 year old boy in foster care.
Helping others comes naturally for Abbott, and she has made it a point to assist other organizations including Big Brothers & Big Sisters, a crisis pregnancy center, domestic violence organizations and Habitat for Humanity. What has become one of the most powerful connections in Kimberly’s life is a non-profit called Helping Hands of Vegas Valley. She learned of the organization while pitching a group of paralegals to volunteer their time to her organization. There she met the then President of Helping Hands. “I’m not sure either of us recruited any new volunteers that night, but we learned a lot about each other’s organizations.” Kimberly ended up joining the Helping Hands board and has been a member since 2008.
Helping Hands assists seniors over the age of 60 who are unable to get around on their own through programs that ensure they have access to services that will aid them in remaining healthy and independent. “I’ve watched the difficulties my grandmother and great aunts and uncles have had as they’ve gotten older, having a harder time doing things for themselves, like getting to the doctor or buying groceries,” Kimberly said. “In my work I encounter lots of struggling seniors who are on fixed incomes with little support. Helping Hands of Vegas Valley makes sure they get to medical appointments and have enough to eat. They also give their caregivers some desperately needed breaks. The group does a lot to better the lives of seniors in our community.”
In fact, Helping Hands provides critical services to hundreds of seniors in the community each year. Last year they gave more than 3,300 rides to more than 1,000 seniors, distributed 1,800 grocery bags and gave away more than $350,000 in respite care vouchers.
Kimberly Abbott has even convinced her husband Darren and a few friends to help, and she hopes that her passion for giving back is instilled in her own daughter, who was born just last May. “Aside from surviving the first year of my daughter’s life, working full time and being a good mom, I’m proud to be a part of two great organizations which continuously remind me of the good in people and in our world, and for that I am incredibly grateful.”
Mike & Karen Crovetti
By Callie Thomas
You hear the saying often enough–“The family that plays together stays together.” By definition, 89052 residents Mike and Karen Crovetti and their three children, Brielle, Chelsea and Michael, would have superhuman staying power, particularly as their version of “play” ultimately benefits those in need throughout our community.
The Crovetti’s idea of fun involves a dedication toward giving back and helping our neighbors who are unable to help themselves. Mike and Karen have led by example and instilled a strong charitable foundation in their kids. That’s not to say the family doesn’t spend time enjoying other activities like the kids’ various sports teams, including football, soccer, basketball and tennis. Snowboarding and trips to the beach are also on the family “to do” list. But there’s always plenty of room on the list to give their time, talents and support to a multitude of organizations in our area.
Mike Crovetti is an orthopedic surgeon and founder of Crovetti Orthopedics and Sports Medicine in Henderson. Over the last ten years he has taken care of thousands of residents from high school athletes to elderly patients and everyone in between. “It is through these amazing people that I’ve learned so much about our community,” says Mike. Wife Karen is a stay at home mom who’s not only passionate about her kids, but also about kids in need. “I felt it was important to be actively involved in our children’s lives and teach them the importance of giving back,” Karen Crovetti said. “Through my involvement in our children’s schools, sports teams and various charities, I have learned so much about the needs of our neighbors.”
Karen and her two daughters are active members of the National Charity League (NCL), a philanthropic organization made up of mother-daughter teams who work with over twenty-seven different charities in the Las Vegas chapter. Mothers and daughters join together in community involvement within local chapters throughout the United States. Their goal is to foster a sense of community responsibility in the girls as well as to strengthen the mother-daughter relationship. “I became involved in NCL because it was a great way to spend time with my daughters and at the same time give back,” says Karen. She also currently serves as the Chairperson to the Boys and Girls Club of Henderson for NCL. The Boys and Girls Clubs provide quality programs and services in a safe, positive environment to thousands of Southern Nevada youth each year. An increasing number of children are at home with no adult care or supervision. Young people need to know that someone cares about them. Club programs and services promote and enhance the development of boys and girls by instilling a sense of competence, usefulness, belonging and influence. “For me, there is no bigger reward than helping to make a difference in a child’s life.”
For the last three years, the Crovetti gang has participated in an event called Fun Day for Kids through the Boys and Girls Club. Kids in the organization are paired with an adult participant and together they play games and activities competing for prizes. While taking part in the event Mike recognized a need for sporting goods equipment. Crovetti Orthopedics, along with Tropical Smoothies of Henderson, held a successful drive this past December and were able to donate much needed equipment to the club.
The Crovetti family has had many rewarding experiences through their volunteer efforts. Daughter Brielle tutors local youth and is actively involved with the Best Buddies program, an opportunity that has allowed her to befriend and enjoy monthly activities with an autistic child. The entire family gets involved doing anything from adopting a foster family for Christmas through Child Focus to escorting special needs children down the red carpet for an event called Joy Prom.
“This community has given us so much,” says Mike Crovetti. “It is where we call home and where we are doing one of our most important jobs: raising our family. Giving back is our way of expressing our gratitude for being so blessed.”