Emily Wattles
Palo Verde High School
Class of 2014
G.P.A.: 3.9
Sense of self is a powerful thing, and not easily achieved. For Emily Wattles, knowing yourself is the most important key to finding happiness and success, two things she is seeing a lot of as a senior at Palo Verde High School. The Senior Class President, athlete and engaged citizen knows exactly where she’s headed, and how she’s going to get there while still holding on to balance, relationships and health in her life. Her uncanny ability to take the best out of every situation and her appreciation for the life and world around her is undoubtedly contagious and places her – A Step Above.
Sports/Clubs/Community Service
- Varsity Cheer, 2012-Present
- JV Cheer, 2011-2012
- Swim Team, 2011
- Volleyball, 2010
- Dance, 2010-2012
- Student Council 2010-Present; Senior Class President, 2013-Present; Representative, 2012-2013
- NASC Representative, 2013
- Forensics, 2012
- Pep Club, 2013-2014
- CTR Club, 2013-2014
- International Club, 2012
- FBLA, 2010-2011
- Running Club, 2010-2011
- Lunch sacks for the Ronald McDonald House, 2014
- Summer Camp Counselor, 2013
- JDRF Walk & Rhetts Walk, 2013
- Opportunity Village Volunteer
- UCA West Coast Championship, 2014
- USA Nevada Open, 2012 & 2014
- Best Attitude Varsity Cheer, 2014
- National Young Leader Nomination, 2014
- Most Dependable Varsity Cheer, 2013
- Student Council Award, 2013
- JDRF Golden Sneaker Award
- Young Woman Recognition Award, 2013
A career in health and fitness is your ultimate goal? “My goal right now is to graduate high school with an honors diploma. Being Senior Class President, I would like this last year of high school to be a success knowing that I tried my best. I will be attending BYU in the fall and I plan to serve an LDS mission. After serving a mission I plan to graduate college and work in the area of health and fitness. Fitness is important to me and I hope to share that knowledge and love with others.”
What are your keys to success? “I think what makes a person successful is when they follow their dreams and go after what they want. I have done things in my life that I wasn’t sure I could do but I didn’t let that stop me from trying. When I ran for Senior Class President, I wasn’t sure if I could take on the added responsibilities to my already busy schedule but it has turned out to be a positive experience and has shown me that I can do hard things. You just have to want it.”
Is there a certain experience that has made you a stronger person? “One time I was on a very strenuous hike with a friend. We hiked for quite sometime until we finally reached the top. We sat down, enjoyed the scenery and returned to the bottom. Once we reached the bottom I realized that I left my car keys at the very top of the mountain. I was devastated. After thinking long and hard on what I should do, I decided to re-hike the mountain and get my keys. Because of this experience, I learned that it is so important to be aware of your responsibilities and actions in life. A seemingly simple mistake is not always easy to fix.”
Favorite Quote to Live By: “Don’t be scared to walk alone. Don’t be scared to like it.” -John Mayer
Maggie Boyd
Palo Verde High School
Class of 2014
G.P.A.: 4.3
Not everyone can say they are among the top in the world at something, and it’s even harder to find those who can say it and describe the accomplishment as “pretty cool.” That’s the endearing, humble attitude that just adds charm to the success of Palo Verde High School student and future Texas A&M Aggie, Maggie Boyd. Quiet, yet undoubtedly passionate and talented, the graduating senior is top five in the world as a West Coast Equestrian, in addition to being a stellar student and engaged young citizen. Her drive and dedication to her skill is truly a joy to watch and her natural, laid back approach to life makes her “pretty cool” in our book, placing her – A Step Above.
Sports/Clubs/Community Service
- Photographer for football & lacrosse teams, 2010-Present
- Competitive equestrian -National, Regional & Local levels, 2011-Present
- United States Equestrian Federation Varsity Athlete, 2011-Present
- National Honor Society, 2011-Present
- PVTV Broadcast Group , 2011-Present
- Palo Verde High School Track Team, 2011
- Junior League of Las Vegas, 2010-Present
- BJ Schafer Training Center, 2010-Present
- Project 150, 2012-2013
- Title One Hope, 2010-2011
- Multiple award winner; West Coast equestrian events, 2011-Present
- AMHA Equestrian Medal Recipient, 2011-2013
- Ranked Top 3 in Nation – AMHA Grand Nationals, 2013
- Ranked Top 5 in World – AMHA World Championships, 2013
- West Coast Region Champion, 2013
Sounds like your passion for sports will be driving your career? “Right now my goals are to get through the rest of senior year and further improve my riding abilities. Long term I hope to win the World Championships in October and graduate from Texas A&M with a sports management degree. In ten years I see myself in Texas, managing or running PR for some of the biggest names in sports.”
What accomplishments are you most proud of and why? “ I’m most proud of my 3/5 finishes at the National and World Championships. It was my first time competing at that level, so I’d say that’s pretty cool.”’
You have a very special idol: “As cliché as it seems, I look up to my mom. She has such a caring and supportive demeanor and she always has the solution to my problems. I don’t know what I would do without her.”
Animals play a really important role in your life: “If I could be president of a non-profit organization it would be the SPCA. I have the biggest soft spot for animals and would jump at any opportunity to help them. To be able to run an animal rescue would be an amazing experience.”
Favorite quote to live by: “Hakuna Matata!”
Jennifer Teng
Gorman High School
Class of 2014
G.P.A.: 4.11
Jennifer Teng’s quote to live by comes from the great William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, “Though she be but little, she is fierce.” She couldn’t be more spot-on. The tiny senior at Bishop Gorman High School packs an impressive punch when it comes to her goals and vision for the world around her, and the talent she brings in everything she puts her mind to. An aspiring lawyer, Jennifer holds a profound and refreshing respect for the protection of civil rights that will surely lead to a lasting and respectable career. Her perspective beyond her years, genuine kindness and “fierce” tenacity place her – A Step Above.
Sports/Clubs/Community Service
- JV/ Varsity Track, 2011-2012 & 2014
- Pole Vault Captain, 2014
- Aerialist, 2013-2014
- JV/ Varsity Cheerleading, 2011-2012
- National Honor Society, 2013-Present
- National Science Honor Society, 2013 – Present
- Mu Alpha Theta, 2014
- We the People – Unit 2 Leader, 2014
- Student Government – Junior Class Representative, 2013
- Sun Youth Forum Delegate, 2013
- Nevada JCL, 2011-2012
- National Latin Honor Society, 2012
- Forensics and Debate, 2011
- Matthew 25 Board, 2013-2014
- Historical Interpreter, 2011-2013
- Mountain View Hospital Volunteer, 2013
- Make a Wish, 2011-2012
- National Merit Scholar Finalist, 2014
- We the People Regional Winners, 2014
- AP World History Student of the Year, 2013
- AP Scholar with Honor, 2013
- Commended Student for AP English and Spanish 2, 2013
- Commended Student for New Testament, 2012
- JV Scholar Athlete, 2012
- All State Academic Team for Spirit, 2012
- Academic Achievement Award in Art II, 2011
- Academic Achievement Award in English 3H, 2011
- Top 10 in National JCL Writing Contest, 2011
- Honors Status in the National Forensics League, 2011
What are your keys to success? “I think that an open mind, along with a desire to learn and achieve makes me successful. Also, I recognize that taking risks and having great aspirations is essential. As Michelangelo said, ‘The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”’
A certain teacher has really inspired you: “My instructor, Mr. Goertemiller, inspires me. Not only has he taught me world history and US government, but has revealed more important life skills and morals such as dedication, perseverance, patriotism, faith, and compassion. His kindness on my first day at Bishop Gorman will forever be a fond memory of mine.”
We love your perspective on what shapes a person: “Though certain experiences can have great effects, I believe every day decisions play the most crucial role in determining your identity. Every day you have the ability to shape and transform who you are.”
What a great idea of a non-profit. We say go for it! “If I could be president of any non-profit it would be a foundation that would provide a ‘virtual pen pal’ to children who are recovering from serious illnesses, especially those who are quarantined. Through social media such as Skype and Facetime, two children who were paired together could give eachother the necessary support and companionship during the difficult recovery process.”
Dallin Bryan
Coronado High School
Class of 2014
G.P.A.: 4.8
Dallin Bryan epitomizes the all around “stand-up” guy. He’s comfortable in his own skin, smart enough to think for himself and willing to make the tough choices in Einstein-esque “what’s right is not always popular” style. He’s the guy you want in your corner. It would be easy to look at Dallin’s track record and assume that grades and sports define him, but in fact there’s something much deeper and exponentially more important to his resume. It’s his character. Dallin stands for kindness, integrity and responsibility and those qualities are what truly place him – A Step Above.
- Coronado Volleyball Team, 2011-Present; Freshman, 2011-2012; Jr. Varsity, 2012-2013; Varsity, 2013-2014
- Vegas Volleyball Club, 2011-Present
- Piano
- Nevada Boys State Delegate, 2013
- Nevada All-State Academic Team, Volleyball, 2013
- Nevada State Champions, Volleyball, 2013
- HOBY Leadership Seminar Delegate, 2012
- Junior Varsity Sportsmanship Award, Volleyball, 2011
- Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America, 2010
Clubs/Community Service
- Student Body Treasurer, 2013-Present
- Junior Class Treasurer, 2012-2013
- Sophomore Class Treasurer, 2011-2012
- Freshman Class Treasurer, 2010-2011
- Co-Founder of Ping-Pong Club, 2012-2013
- Quantum Physics Club Treasurer, 2014
- Four Square Club, 2014
- Boy Scouts of America, 2007-Present
- Smiles for Central America Participant, 2009-2013
- Cougar Care Volunteer/Participant, 2009
- Santa Run Participant, 2009-2010
- Danny Gans Memorial Champion Run for Life, 2009
- Tiny Tim Foundation Volunteer to Chihuahua, Mexico, 2006
Your goals and aspirations are pretty well thought out! “I hope to graduate as a valedictorian and leave my mark on this school’s history. I would like to be remembered as a kind friend to all who brightened people’s days. I then plan on serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, attend BYU on scholarship (hopefully), and eventually Stanford Business College for my MBA. In 10 years I see myself having a small, happy family. I see myself as a young business owner striving to serve his fellow man and provide for his wife and kids.”
Of all that you’ve accomplished, there’s one thing that stands out: “I am most proud of my Eagle Scout award. It took a lot of hard work and dedication through countless hours of merit badges, but the skills and the life lessons I learned in the scouting program have forever changed me. I will never be able to repay the debt I owe to the scouting program for shaping me into a man.”
Is there someone you look up to? “I look up to my brother, Logan. I have strived to model my high school career as much after him as I possibly can. He was in Student Council, I’m in Student Council. He was Student Body Treasurer, I’m the Student Body Treasurer. He was a valedictorian, I’m on track to be a valedictorian. He couldn’t have set a better example for me to follow, and I will be eternally indebted to him for that.”
Favorite quote to live by: “My favorite quote to live by is “Come what may and love it!” It basically means no matter what happens in your life, love it! Smile! Have a positive attitude! Though one can acknowledge the hardships and trials in one’s life, they can choose how those will affect them and what attitude they will exhibit. Every day can be the best day of your life, if you choose to “Come what may and love it!”
Emily Lim
Silverado High School
Class of 2014
G.P.A.: 4.8
It’s been a hot topic in education and the working world: Why are fewer women interested in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects than men? Well, that memo never reached the desk of Emily Lim of Silverado High School. The graduating senior, valedictorian candidate and avid runner doesn’t mess around when it comes to math and science. They are her passion and her future. What’s more, wildly driven and intensely focused, Emily has the “get it done” personality that makes her the star of any team. With this dynamite combo, we’re certain Emily will go on to do big things for our world, and that’s what makes her – A Step Above.
Sports/Clubs/Community Service
- Track & Field, 2011-2013; Varsity, 2012-2013
- Varsity Cross Country, 2012
- Key Club, 2010-Present; Secretary, 2011-2012; President, 2012-2013; Vice President, 2013-Present
- Mu Alpha Theta, 2011-Present; Secretary, 2012-2013; President, 2013-Present
- National Honor Society, 2011-Present
- Interact, 2012-Present; Treasurer, 2013-Present
- Sun Youth Participant, 2013
- Varsity Quiz, 2013
- Student Mentor, 2011-2012
- Silverado Blood Drive, 2011-2013; Coordinator, 2011-2012; Chair, 2012-2013
- Relay for Life, 2011-Present; Luminaria Chair, 2011-2012; Team Development Chair, 2012-2013; Co-Chair/Registration Chair, 2013-Present
- Enterprise Library Volunteer, 2011-2013
- Elementary School Carnivals, 2011-2013
- Scholar Athlete, 2010-2013
- Academic Letter Award, 2010-2013
- 1st Place in Blood Drive Division, 2012 & 2013
- Most Valuable Mentor, 2012
- Silverado Student of the Month, 2010
We love that you’re in to math and science (as writers that’s not really our forte): “In ten years, I see myself working as either a civil, mechanical, or aeronautical engineer. I’ve always had a passion for math and science, and I want to be able to integrate that passion into my life long career.”
You’re very proud of your involvement in the Silverado Blood Drive: “My biggest accomplishment is running Silverado’s blood drives with the blood drive committee. After much effort, we were able to get the most donated pints of blood in our division, taking home a $1500 scholarship, two years in a row.”
Family is an important part of your success: “My mom is the reasoning behind my success. I am ambitious, because she has always offered support, rather than pressure. I also look up to my grandmother, because she overcame all the adversities in her life. After the Khmer Rouge, she came to the U.S. with her family, and started fresh without anything. Because of her work, effort, and dedication to her family, she created an environment for all her children to grow up and prosper.”
If you could be President of any organization, what would it be? “After working on the South Youth Relay for Life committee for the past three years, it has inspired me, and opened up a whole new perspective to my understanding of the world. I would be president, because I would want to work towards the goal of curing cancer, so others wouldn’t have to face the devastating effects of it.”
Favorite Quote to Live By: “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Wayne Gretzky
Gabrielle Smith
Coronado High School
Class of 2014
G.P.A.: 4.2
Hard work and a sense of humor will take you a long way. This is evident in the success enjoyed by Gabrielle Smith. With intense dedication, competitive spirit and a smile, the senior at Coronado High School is living her dream, and excelling in incredible ways. Unafraid to sacrifice for the things she loves, Gabby understands the power of focus and commitment. Her openness to learning, a playful outlook on life and pure talent will take her far, and places her – A Step Above.
- Darling Tennis Center (DTC) Tennis Academy, 2012-2014
- USTA Intermountain Girls 18s National Team, 2011-2012
- Nevada State Tennis, 2010
- Nevada State Tennis Team Runner Up, 2010
- Nevada Individual State Tennis Women’s Champion, 2010
- National Federation of Music Clubs – Nevada, Piano, 2009-2014
- Full Ride Scholarship to USC for 5 years to play tennis
- LDS Young Women’s Medallion Recipient, 2014
- Intermountain Girl’s 18 and under Snowball Champion, 2014
- Intermountain Girl’s 18 and under Great Pumpkin Champion, 2013
- Coronado Athlete of the Month, 2011
- Bronze Girl’s USTA Clay Court Championships in Doubles, 2009, 2011 & 2013
- Silver Girl’s USTA National Hard Court Championships in Doubles, 2010 & 2012
- Bronze Girl’s USTA National Clay Court Championships in Singles, 2010
Clubs/Activities/Community Service
- Jill Gibson Piano Studio, 2009-2014
- Anthem Stake Youth Committee, 2013-2014
- Youth Camp Leader for Anthem State at Camp Kolob, 2013-2014
- Las Vegas Ski and Snowboard Resort All Mountain Ski Team, 2009-2010
- Nevada Hunter Certificate from Nevada Dept. of Wildlife
- Serving food to homeless at St. Timothy’s Church
Congrats on the scholarship! Looks like school and tennis are on the agenda for the next few years. “Academically I plan on ending the year with straight A’s. This summer is my last summer of junior competitive tennis before college. I hope to place in the top 10 in the country spring and summer nationals.
At USC, I will work to win the NCAA women’s singles tennis title and help my team end in the top four teams in the country. At least once I hope I can help USC obtain a national tennis title. I hope to maintain a high GPA and later enter a graduate program in either medicine, accounting or law.”
What’s your secret? “I tend to listen to leaders and coaches. My coaches say many students argue and they give up on them. Those same coaches give me just a little more coaching and help because I am happy to listen and try my hardest. I also like to compete and work at a quick pace. My family has given me a lot of support and has sacrificed many family vacations, holidays, and rest days to keep up with tennis, piano, friends and church.”
You’ve given up a lot for the sport of tennis: “After my sophomore year my tennis ranking had slipped because my tennis peers all home school. I decided to live on the east coast and train with a tennis competitor and her family the summer before and the fall semester of my junior year. Living with her and her family was hard. We pouted and drove each other crazy but we still played six hours of tennis a day and I did a lot of soul searching to find the strength to carry on. I could not come home. I had to do well at national and international tournaments. The summer and fall was very successful I ended up in the finals at Waco Texas and placed in the top eight nationally. Based on those results the following summer, USC gave me an offer. I learned that once you set a goal you cannot turn back no matter what the pain. Tennis matches are like that.”
Victoria Albanese
Las Vegas Academy
Class of 2014
G.P.A.: 4.2
It’s always something special to meet a hero in the making – someone living with intention to protect and serve others. Many times it takes growing up to realize that purpose in life, but in the case of Victoria Albanese of Las Vegas Academy, it happened a little sooner. For this graduating senior, the answer was clear and she has been living it through good times and bad to realize her goals. A shining example of follow through and diversity, Victoria excels in everything from sports, to music to the Civil Air Patrol with a smile and a resolve to succeed in the game called life. Her zest, thoughtfulness and bravery place her – A Step Above.
- Desert Fury Cheer, 2013-Present
- Burkholder Jags Tumbling, 2011-2013
- H.U. Extreme Team Soccer, 2011-2013
- Green Valley High School Soccer, 2012
- City of Henderson Soccer, 2000-2011
- Orchestra, 2007-Present
- Piano, 2004-2009
- Gen. Jimmy Doolittle Award, 2014
- Charles Lindbergh Award, 2013
- Capt. Eddie Rickenbacker Award 2013
- Mary Feik Award, 2012
- C.A.P. Wright Brothers Award, 2012
- Jags Tumbling Outstanding Student Coach Award, 2012
- Green Valley High School Soccer Athletic Achievement Award Soccer, 2012
- Gen Hap Arnold Award, 2011
- SNSA Extreme Team Champions, 2011
Clubs/Community Service
- PowerPoint, 2010-Present
- AP Club Treasurer, 2013-Present
- National Junior Honor Society, 2007-2010
- Acolyte, 2007-2010
- Science Olympiad Club, 2008-2009
- Senior Master Sargent in the Civil Air Patrol, 2007-Present
- National Night Out, 2009-Present
- Shelves of Agape, 2010-Present
- Vacation Bible School Volunteer, 2010-Present
Where do you see yourself in the future: “Now that high school is almost over, I need to set new goals that I want to go out and accomplish. My current goals are to finish high school strong with straight A’s and achieve the Mitchell Award in CAP before I go to college. My goal for the future is to attend and graduate from University of Nevada, Reno with at least an A –B grade point average while working in the Air Force Reserve. In 10 years I see myself in the United States Air Force, helping wounded soldiers recuperate and recover.”
The Civil Air Patrol is an important part of who you are: “I am most proud of all my accomplishments in the Civil Air Patrol. When I joined the program I was less than willing to participate but as I grew up and became more mature I realized that I could learn so much from this organization. That is when I started to participate in more activities and rank up, and I am proud of how far I have come.”
Who do you look up to? “I look up to my parents because they have shown me that nothing is impossible if you chase your dreams. They both have continued to further their educations and expand their knowledge to show me that there is always more to learn and to never quit.”
If you could run any non-profit organization, what would it be: “I would like to be the president of a nonprofit organization such as Shape up America or Kids Fit Foundation, because I love to help and motivate others to get active and stay healthy. Also, with that obesity rates climbing, it is very important to get kids to learn healthy lifestyles while they are still young and full of energy.”
Favorite Quote to Live By: “Life is beautiful, not easy.”
Angele Bruce
A Step Above 89144
Angele Bruce
Palo Verde High School
Class of 2014
G.P.A.: 4.4
“To thine own self be true…” The quote is Shakespearean and a little old-fashioned, yes, but does that make the message wrong? Absolutely not. That fact is made clear through the success and happiness of Palo Verde High School student Angele Bruce. Fully dedicated to greatness, while simultaneously humble and thoughtful, this senior shows bravery, conviction and honor in all she does and we’re confident that trend will continue into her future, placing Angele – A Step Above.
- Palo Verde Panther Pride Marching Bands 2010Present; Percussion section leader 20112012, 20132014
- Palo Verde AFJROTC 2010Present; Element Leader 20112012, Squadron Commander 20122013, Vice Corps Commander 20132014, Mission Support Group Commander 20132014
- Palo Verde AFJROTC Armed Drill Team 2010Present
- Palo Verde Jazz Band 20102012
- National Merit Semifinalist 2014
- Air Force Association Award 2013
- Outstanding Cadet ASII 2012
- Outstanding Musician: Wind Ensemble 2012
- Tuskeegee Airman Award 2011
What do you plan to do after high school? “For now I would really just love to be accepted to my first choice university as well as be able to pay for it. I intend to earn my degree in Biochemistry and move on to medical school thereafter. In all honestly though I just want to be happy and secure with my life and do something I can consider good. There is already enough negativity in the world so I want to make a more positive contribution to it.”
You’ve been through some personal hardship in high school. “I know it tends to be a bit of a controversial topic but my coming out during my junior year of high school was probably the scariest and best thing to ever happen to me. It might seem a bit cliché but it really did help lead to a lot of realizations about myself as a person. I found that it is just such a waste of time to try and be anything other than you. I found that the antisocial, negative, and self-pitying person that I was before was due to the suppression of who I really was. That is putting it in very simple terms but I believe finding the courage to accept myself as well as to open myself up to others changed me for the better.”
Is there anything specific that defines you and your success? There are three specific things that I believe have made me successful in most every venture of my life thus far. The first of these is my integrity. It was something instilled in me by parents and reinforced by my time in Palo Verde’s AFJROTC program. Being an honest and dependable person I think is a necessity for success. It earns not only the trust, but also respect of peers and leaders. I also find my self-discipline very key to my success. Some might call me a perfectionist in this sense but I want everything I do to be the best it possibly can. I want my name to be near synonymous with excellence and its something I strive for in everything that I do. Lastly, and most importantly, I owe my success to my tenacity. Joining the marching band in my freshman year of high school was the most difficult test of this. I have never been nor do I ever plan on quitting anything. I take my commitments very seriously
What’s your favorite quote to live by? “When one begins to live by habit and by quotation, one has begun to stop living”
James Baldwin.
Luke Kecman, Clayton James Rhodes and Billy Wolfbrandt
Step Above 89128
Faith Lutheran Mark 10:14 Program Graduating Class
Luke Kecman, Clayton James Rhodes and Billy Wolfbrandt
The Mark 10:14 Program at Faith Lutheran High School is dedicated to children with intellectual disabilities such as autism or Down syndrome. Students in the program are included in the general high school curriculum including classroom discussions, lectures, labs, skits, projects and group activities, among peers, with high levels of support to ensure they are successful. In addition to immersing these students into high school life, the program also instills a greater sense of kindness, helpfulness and encouragement into Faith Lutheran students campus-wide.

(From left: Billy Wolfbrandt, Luke Kecman, Clayton Rhodes)
This year, three students will be first to graduate with an adjusted diploma from the Mark 10:14 program. The students have participated in everything from varsity sports, theater, guitar lessons, art and more. They have been Students of the Month, and won spirit competitions, attended dances and gotten the most out of their time in school. By definition, Luke Kecman, Clayton James Rhodes and Billy Wolfbrandt are all– A Step Above.
Luke Kecman
Clubs/Community Service
- Mock Trial Team, 2014
- Honors Art, 2013-Present
- Swim Team, 2013-Present
- Art Club, 2010, 2012 & 2013
- Teen Works Program for Grant a Gift Autism Foundation (Four week program as Front Ambassador at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, 2012
- Goodwill, 2012
- Student of the Month, 2013
What Makes Luke Successful: “Doing good in life, helping out others and working on being a mature, successful adult. By watching my Mother raise my brother Damon and I while running her own business to care and provide for our family. My Faith in God keeps me doing good in life and being open for new opportunities even with my disability.”
Clayton James Rhodes
- Faith Lutheran Football, 2010-2014; Varsity, 2013-2014
- Faith Lutheran Basketball, 2013-2014; Varsity, 2013-2014
- Mellow Dramatist, 2010-2011
- High School Musical Jr., 2010
- Nevada Football Champions 2013
Clubs/Community Service
- Young Life, 2010-2014
- Art Club, 2011-2012
- Mark 10:14 Drive Thru BBQ
- Young Life Leadership Team
A Key Issue Facing Young People Today: “A key issue facing young people today is including people who might be different. Being a part of the Faith Lutheran student body has helped others see that because I have Down syndrome. I learn differently but I have many of the same dreams they have. God has made me on purpose, for a purpose.”
Billy Wolfbrandt
- Faith Lutheran Wrestling Team, 2008 – 2014
- School Lip Sync Competition, 2012 and 2013
- Faith Lutheran Middle School Football, 2007-2009
Awards/Community Service
- Faith Lutheran Spirit Award, 2013
Billy’s Proudest Accomplishment: “Being an athlete and a wrestler.”
Billy’s Goal After High School: “Go to college and find a job to be a lawyer like my dad.”
Paula Chelee R. Castro
A Step Above 89135
Paula Chelee R. Castro
Northwest Career and Technical Academy
Class of 2014
G.P.A.: 4.8
Are there times when you look at others and think, “How do they have the time?” Paula Castro, a senior at the Northwest Career and Technical Academy, would fit into that category. She has the time because she cares, and she makes things work because they are in her line of focus and on her list of goals. This multi-lingual “stud-ette,” originally from an island called Saipan, has proven her commitment to her new community through service and continues to raise her bar with new goals and challenges. Her tenacity and impassioned spirit are impressive and place Paula – A Step Above.
- Delegate, Key Club District Convention, 2013
- Delegate, Key Club International Convention, 2013
- Girl Scouts Gold Award, 2013
- Outstanding Vice-President, Key Club (District Level), 2013
- GAGE Community Service Award, 2013
- NWCTA Academic Letter and Gold Bar Award, 2011-2013
- HOSA State Competition (Career Health Display 4th Place)- 2012
- Distinguished Key Club Officer, 2011
- Nevada Representative, National Youth Leadership Conference, 2011
- Key Club Member of the Year, 2010
Clubs/Community Service
- Key Club, 2010-Present; President 2013-2014, Vice President 2012-2013, Sergeant At Arms 2011-2012, Fundraising Committee Chair 2010-2011
- Polynesian Club, 2010-Present; Vice President 2012-2014, Treasurer 2011-2012
- National Honor Society, 2011-Present
- Health Occupation Students of America, 2011-Present
- Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada, 2011-Present
- National Society of High School Scholars Ambassador, 2011-Present
- Children’s Miracle Network Youth Marketing Committee, 2011-Present
- National Honor Society of Sports Medicine, 2012-Present
- Advanced Placement Club, 2011-2013
- Southern Nevada Youth Advisory Council, 2013-Present
- Sahara West Library Volunteer 2010-2011
- Walk to End Alzheimer’s 2010- Present
- Making Strides against Breast Cancer 2010-Present
- Relay for Life 2010-Present
- Light the Night Walk 2010-Present
- Springs Preserve 2010-Present
So…your goals made our head spin a little bit. You have a ton of energy! “For the remainder of my senior year, I would like to finish off both high school and my term as Key Club President strong. I plan to major in Nursing and double minor in Business and Spanish at a four year university, however, I hope to finish college in three years so that I can move on to medical school. I have always aspired to someday become an Interventional Nephrologist, a fairly new specialty in the field of medicine, so that is what I plan to study for. When I am finished with all my schooling, I hope to return to Saipan and open my own dialysis center”
It’s not always been an easy road. “When I first moved here, I was often dubbed foreign and incompetent of the CCSD curriculum because I came from an island. I was placed in all regular classes and denied the opportunity to take Algebra 1 Honors. Instead of allowing this to undermine my competence I persisted, focusing intently on my academics and proving that my origins had nothing to do with my capabilities.”
What’s your favorite quote to live by? “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
― Howard Thurman.