Keely Peterson

Keely Peterson
Foothill High School
Class of 2020
It’s not happenstance that Foothill High School Student Body President Keely Peterson often finds herself calling the shots. “Leadership,” she says, “is something that comes naturally for me.” She chalks it up to being an “old soul” who is able to communicate effectively with people of all ages while showing up as mature and trustworthy. Moreover, she is resolute in her belief that she can do just about anything she sets her mind to as long as she is determined and willing to work for it. With this resilient mindset and a desire to always keep striving for greatness, Keely Peterson is–A Step Above.
G.P.A.: 4.7
Activities/Community Service:
- Student Council, 2016-Present
- Student Body President, 2019-2020
- Sophomore Class President, 2017-2018
- Student Body Secretary, 2018-2019
- AP Club, 2017-Present
- Student Advisory Board Representative, 2018/2019
- St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital Walk/Run Volunteer, 2016/2017
- Three Square Food Bank, 2016-2018
- Henderson Police Fallen Heroes Walk/Run Volunteer, 2017-2019
- OneHill Organization Elementary/Middle School Volunteer, 2018/2019
- Freshman of the Year (Student Council), 2018
- Distinguished Student Leader, 2018
- Student of the Quarter, 2019
- Straight A Awards, 2016-2019
- NASC Silver Star, 2018/2019
- Gold Council of Excellence, 2018/2019
- Valedictorian Candidate for 2020
What are your top priorities as Student Body President? “My top priority is to increase organization within Foothill’s council but also school-wide. I believe that increasing organization and certain aspects such as communication will benefit everyone, whether that be students or staff. I also plan to bring a lot of school spirit to Foothill and keep it all year long.”
How has being in student council helped you grow as a person? “Being in student council has taught me a lot about myself and has drastically increased my confidence. Being in charge of various events and being relied on has taught me how to believe in myself and never give up. Over the past year, I have also had to learn how to be accepting and much more compromising than I would have expected.”
What accomplishment(s) are you most proud of and why? “I am most proud of being elected Student Body President and for everything that I have done in student council. I have loved being able to make decisions on behalf of my school in order to create events or activities I know that they would love and would make them excited to go to school.”
What has been your favorite community service endeavor or charity to work with? “I love to volunteer at the Henderson Police’s Fallen Heroes Walk/Run each year. In this run, we honor all the police officers that have lost their lives in the line of duty. It has allowed me to witness first-hand the impact a single person can make on an entire community.”
Caroline Bellamy

Caroline Bellamy
Coronado High School
Class of 2020
Coronado High School senior Caroline Bellamy has two loves: horseback riding and yearbook, and she excels at them both through no shortage of passion and effort. Each comes with its own set of challenges, and while she knows that perfection doesn’t exist, she won’t stop striving to attain it. “I have ridden so many rounds at competitions and done so many pages in the yearbook and none of them have been perfect,” she says. “There have always been flaws.” But when the going gets tough, she’s learned that the best course of action is to power through knowing that it will always be better on the other side. Kind, helpful and highly self-motivated, Caroline Bellamy is– A Step Above.
G.P.A.: 4.67
- Competitive Horseback Riding, 2012-Present
- CHS Advanced Placement Academy, 2016-Present
- Coronado Yearbook “The Prowl” Staff Member, 2016-2018; Co-Sports Editor, 2018-2019; Co- Editor in Chief, 2019
- The School of the New York Times–Writing the Big City, 2017
- The School of the New York Times–Screenwriting and DIY Filmmaking, 2018
- JEA/NSPA High School National Convention, San Francisco, 2018
- Columbia Scholastic Press Association Spring Convention, 2019
- Jostens San Diego National Workshop, 2018 & 2019
- City of Henderson Parks and Recreation Kids Zone Recreation Assistant, 2019
Awards/Community Service:
- Southern Nevada Hunter Jumper Association .70 Jumper Division Year End Champion, 2016
- Camelot Horse Shows–Autumn Classic Jumper Stake Champion, 2018
- Camelot Horse Shows–Autumn Classic 1.00 M Jumper Division Champion, 2018
- Southern Nevada Hunter Jumper Association KMC Hunter Derby Perpetual Trophy, 2018
- United States Equestrian Varsity Letter, 2016-2019
- Lindsay Maxwell Charitable Fund/United States Hunter Jumper Association Emerging Athlete Program, 2019
- Southern Nevada Society of Journalists–Excellent Chronological Spread, 2017
- AP Scholar with Honor, 2019
- Hearts Alive Village Las Vegas, 2019
You went right onto the yearbook staff freshman year and haven’t looked back. What is so special to you about yearbook? “It has forced me to go way out of my comfort zone and become a much more confident and stronger person, as well as a stronger leader. Yearbook has allowed me to really become involved and has taught me so many communication skills, as well as strengthened my English and grammar skills.”
How has competitive horseback riding shaped the person you are today? “I think that, as a whole, horseback riding has really strengthened me as a person and taught me countless lessons over the years. Every time I get on a horse, I have to exercise trust with the animal, as well as confidence and leadership. I have had to learn how to manage my fears and nerves, and learn how to not only listen to criticism, but also internalize it and use it to make me a better rider.”
You’re proud of the relationship you’ve built with your horse, Lulu. What goes into that? “Horses are not always easy to ride, especially my horse. It’s something that I have been working on since I was very little. Building a high level of trust with a horse takes a lot of time and effort. It’s not something that just clicks; it’s a long and buildable process. But she has taught me that every time I power through a really hard lesson or even a hard month, I always come out a stronger rider and person, and we become a better team.”
Why did you choose to work with Hearts Alive Village cat and dog rescue? “I do it because I love animals, as can be seen with my commitment to the horses. It gives me the chance to go and spend time with all these amazing animals and to help them adjust to new lives with kind and caring people so that they can find their forever home and live a very happy life.”
Jackie Mason

Jackie Mason
Green Valley High School
Class of 2020
Green Valley High School Student Body President Jackie Mason attacks everything with a strong-willed mind and a penchant for adapting to any situation. When things get sticky, she calls upon qualities she’s learned from people she admires most: patience, perseverance, determination, logic and smarts. This powerful combination helps her see seemingly insurmountable projects and assignments through to completion, while bringing on a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment when the job is well done. With goals that include encouraging school pride and a sense of inclusion, continuing an impeccable athletic and academic track record, and setting a positive example for others, Jackie Mason is– A Step Above.
G.P.A.: 4.2
- Varsity Competition Cheer- 2016-2018
- Varsity Swim and Dive- 2017-Present
- Varsity Track and Pole Vault- 2016-2017
- Varsity Cross Country, 2019-2020
- Madrigals Choir, 2016-2017
- Class President, 2016/2018
- Class Vice President, 2017
- Student Body President, 2019-2020
- National Charity League, 2013-Present
- Roller Skating Club Founder and President, 2018-Present
Awards/Community Service:
- Top All-American Cheerleader, 2016-2018
- Top Scholar Athlete–GVHS Cheer, 2017-2018
- Game Day National Champion, 2018
- Silver Star Award, 2016-Present
- National Gold Star of Excellence, 2016-Present
- National Charity League, 2014-Present
- Volunteer Work, 2014-Present: Lullaby Connection, Children’s Heart Foundation, Spread the Word NV, Opportunity Village, Delmar Gardens, Three Square Food Bank, Families for Effective Autism Treatment, Operation Homefront, Joy Prom, F.E.A.T., NV Childhood Cancer Foundation, Hopelink, Boys & Girls Club Henderson, Make A Wish, Grant A Gift for Autism, Children’s Heart Foundation, Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
What are your top priorities as Student Body President? “My top priorities as SBP are to bring back a high level of spirit and pride at GVHS, maintain our NV Association of Student Council involvement and obtain the National Gold Council of Excellence Award.”
Is leadership something that comes naturally to you? “Yes. From the day I learned how to speak I always wanted to be in charge. I am an extroverted, outgoing individual who loves to serve and help others. I have just learned how to positively channel those leadership qualities.”
What accomplishment(s) are you most proud of and why? “I am most proud of becoming Student Body President, due to the fact that I was not in Student Council coming into high school. I proved to myself that leadership comes from within an individual, not the amount of years of experience. I am also proud of maintaining a 4.0 throughout high school, and balancing sports along with health and activities.”
Which of your many community service endeavors has affected you the most? “NV Childhood Cancer Foundation has changed my outlook on life in a major way. I have learned to never take life or one’s capabilities for granted. There are people who would kill to merely get out of bed, and I have the ability to run, flip, and live my everyday life.”
Katilyn Grant

A Step Above 89123
Kaitlyn Grant
Silverado High School
Class of 2020
Attitude is everything for Silverado High School Student Body President Kaitlyn Grant. Positivity is, after all, at the core of all that she does, from her position as captain of the swim team to gavel-holder at the podium and everywhere in between. It’s the foundation on which she has developed her strong leadership skills, a solid work ethic, and a model for how to treat others, that is, with respect and dignity. The lessons she’s picked up on along the way have been fruitful, teaching her to adopt patience, dedication and gratefulness and apply them liberally to every endeavor and relationship. For all that and more, Kaitlyn Grant is– A Step Above.
G.P.A.: 4.6
- Women’s Varsity Swim, 2016-Present
- Women’s Varsity Swim Captain, 2018-Present
- Women’s Varsity Cross Country, 2018
- Piano Lessons, 2016-2017
- Miamaid Class President, 2017-2018
- Student Body President, 2019-2020
- Student Council, 2016-Present
- Swim Teacher, 2017-Present
Awards/Community Service:
- Scholar Athlete, 2016-Present
- Varsity Letter in Women’s Swimming, 2016-Present
- Varsity Letter in Women’s Cross Country, 2018
- Young Women’s Excellence Award, 2017
- Honor Bee Award, 2018
- Saint Timothy’s Episcopal Church, 2015-Present
- Three Square Food Bank, 2016-Present
- Nevada State College Foundation, 2018-2019
What are your top priorities as Student Body President? “My top priorities as Student Body President are to promote more community service at my school and to involve more students in school activities. I want every student at Silverado High School to enjoy school and feel like they matter and know they have a purpose.”
How has being in student council enriched your educational and personal experience? “Being in student council has enriched my educational and personal experience in high school by connecting me to my student body. Knowing my classmates and teachers on a more personal level has helped me appreciate the education I am receiving.”
Do you know what you want to do after high school? “I plan to attend Brigham Young University in the fall of 2020 and major in Economics. After receiving my BS, I plan to attend law school. I would then like to become an Estate Planning Attorney. On top of my career path, what I am most excited for after high school is to start my own family.”
What has been your favorite community service endeavor or charity to work with?
“My favorite community service endeavor is visiting Saint Timothy’s Episcopal Church. Twice a year I visit this church and feed the homeless. This has changed my outlook on the community. I am more aware of the circumstances that some people are in. This helps me be more mindful of how I treat others.”
Katelyn Rose Carlotti

Palo Verde High School
Class of 2020
Currently sitting at the #1 spot in her class, Palo Verde High School Valedictorian Candidate Katelyn Carlotti is as determined as they come. Ambition, after all, is her greatest strength. It helps her navigate the challenges of a rigorous class load while working as hard as possible to achieve her highest goals and maximum potential. If something doesn’t quite go her way the first time, she keeps moving forward believing firmly that everything happens for a reason, and that something good will always come out of a bad situation. For her tireless effort, staying true to her commitments and dedicating time to important causes, Katelyn Carlotti is– A Step Above.
G.P.A.: 4.8
Sports/Clubs/Community Service:
- Freshman Cheer Team, 2016-2017
- JV Dance Team, 2017-2018
- Varsity Dance Team, 2018-2020
- National Honors Society, 2017-2020
- National Honors Society Treasurer, 2019-2020
- Valedictorian Candidate, 2019-2020
- Ronald McDonald House Charity
- Corner Stone Christian Church Mission–La Mison, Mexico, 2018 & 2019
- Three Square Food Bank
- Walk to End Alzheimer’s, 2016 & 2017
What are your plans for after high school? “After high school, I plan on going to a top-tier college in southern California to pursue a medical career. I am interested in becoming an anesthesiologist after I graduate medical school.”
Why is being of service to others so important to you? “I have had a fortunate life so far with a loving family and lots of opportunities. From my mission trips and other life events I have come to realize that not everyone is as fortunate. It makes me the happiest when I am able to help others out who do not have the same opportunities.”
You’re fond of your first mission trip to La Mison, Mexico. What was so memorable about it? “It is memorable to me because I got to give people food who couldn’t get any on their own. I also got to help build a small town’s first church. It has changed my outlook to always be thankful for what I have. It also made me realize the importance and joy that comes from selflessly helping other people.”
What do you like most about being involved in dance? “I love the family that I have on my team. My teammates and coaches are all very supportive and kind, and I’m very thankful for all the events we do together.”
What advice would you give incoming freshmen on how to succeed in school? “My biggest advice to incoming freshmen is to not give up and don’t procrastinate. Your success in school is worth the hard work in the end.”
Raymond Polydoor

West Career and Technical Academy
Class of 2019
The power to persevere is strong in West Career and Technical Academy graduate Raymond Polydoor, who admits that, although he may not be the best at everything, he’s also not the type of person to give up after one try. That he’s willing to push his own limits and overcome any challenge or barrier is evident in his many accomplishments as an outstanding student and committed athlete. With ambitions that include majoring in psychology, becoming an occupational therapist and running a music blog that helps local talent get noticed, it doesn’t look like he’ll be slowing down any time soon. Hard working, passionate, and always willing to go that extra mile, Raymond Polydoor is– A Step Above.
- Varsity Track and Field, 2015-2017
- Varsity Track and Field 4×400 Runner, 2016-2017
- Varsity Track and Field 4×200 Runner, 2016-2017
- Varsity Track and Field 400 Meter Dash Runner, 2015-2017
- Varsity Track and Field 200 Meter Dash Runner, 2015-2017
- Student Council, 2017-2019; Head of Logistics and Tech, 2018-2019
- Black Student Union, 2017-2019; Historian, 2018-2019
- Thirst Project Organization, 2015-2019
- Community Outreach and Service Team, 2018-2019
- Human Relations, 2015-2017
Awards/Community Service:
- Honor Roll, 2015-2018
- Sports Medicine Program Completion, 2015-2019
- Career Ready, 2018
- Advanced Honors Diploma, 2019
- Glass House, 2017
- Clean The World, 2017-2019
- Three Square Food Bank, 2018
- Serving Our Kids Food Drive, 2018
- Operation School Bell, 2018
- Rock n’ Roll Marathon Volunteer, 2018
- Live Hope Lupus Walk, 2018
- One Drop Walk for Water, 2018
Can you give us an example of how perseverance has helped you navigate a challenging situation? “Math, for example, has never been one of my strongest subjects. Every math problem has multiple ways to solve it. If I have trouble learning the provided way, I will look online for other methods. Outside of class, I use perseverance to build my passion in music production. When I get stuck and cannot figure out the correct sounds to use, I find other ways to deal with the stress instead of completely giving up.”
You struggled with stuttering from a young age, yet have come to embrace it. How did that happen? “Before my first day of high school, my brother, Jarren, gave me a pep talk to ease my nerves. He told me that there is no such thing as perfect; every single person has their flaws. This motivation has made me the man I am today. Instead of isolating my stuttering, I embrace it and allow it to happen. Instead of being hesitant and reluctant, I blossomed to become a confident, goofy individual.”
What have you enjoyed most about your community service endeavors? “My favorite community service endeavor is Operation School Bell. This service team collects unwanted clothes, books, blankets, and school necessities and creates care packages for kids. I enjoyed this event so much, because throughout the whole process, I knew that I was going to make a kid’s day. A lot of us take for granted and don’t see how some families can’t afford basic needs.”
Why is music such an important part of your life? “Music is such an important part of my life because it helps me figure out solutions to problems when I am down. I listen to music every possible time of the day. Music has assisted me to find my true self and my passion.”
Richard Zhou

The Meadows School
Class of 2019
Writer Douglas Adams said, “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” This quote resonates with The Meadows School Valedictorian Richard Zhou, whose journey through life has taken him in unexpected directions. Yet, with every change in scenery or uncomfortable scenario, he found within himself a new level of calm courage that helped him not just adapt but thrive. If he’s learned anything from his trials, it’s that hard work, strong mental focus and a never-give-up mentality are the keys to success. For applying each of these qualities to all that he does, Richard Zhou is– A Step Above.
G.P.A.: 5.14
- Varsity Tennis, 2016-Present, Captain, 2018-2019
- Varsity Bowling, 2016-Present
- National Honor Society, 2017-2019
- National Spanish Honor Society, 2017-2019
- National English Honor Society, 2019
- Physics, Engineering and Technology Club, 2015-2019; President, 2018-2019
- STEM Club, 2015-2019
- Boy Scouts of America, 2012-2019
Scholarships/Awards/Community Service:
- President’s Scholarship–University of Maryland, 2019
- National AP Scholar, 2018
- National Merit Commended, 2018
- Team Tennis State Champion, 2016
- Team Tennis State Second Place, 2017 & 2018
- Mountain View Hospital, 2017-2018
Moving around a lot seems to have made you a more adaptable person. In what way(s) has this quality helped you achieve your goals? “No matter what you’re doing, there is always a chance that things don’t go as expected. However, I found that it isn’t perfectly sticking to plans that has allowed me to find success, but being able to adjust my plans as the situation changes. This adaptability makes it easier to handle unexpected obstacles and use opportunities as they arise.”
Why do you want to study Software Engineering in college? “During sophomore year I took a computer science course. I’ve always liked math and science, and during my experience at summer camps, I found that I enjoyed the thought process behind coding. Programming is what makes much of our technology work today, and I believe that it will continue to allow for innovation.”
Tell us about your Eagle Scout project. “My Eagle Scout project was collecting Curl-Leaf Mountain Mahogany seeds at Mount Charleston, a project that ensures the preservation of native plant seeds in the great basin area and helps promote biodiversity. The most important thing to make the project successful was maintaining communication with the Forest Service and relaying updates to the scouts. By doing so, the project proceeded smoothly.”
What has been your favorite service endeavor? “I worked at the front desk of the ER at Mountain View Hospital. Even though I wasn’t medical personnel, I was still able to assist the patients and visitors in other ways. There are a lot of ways to help others, even if it is a seemingly small thing.”
Jacqueline Leon

Bishop Gorman High School
Class of 2019
Bishop Gorman High School Co-Valedictorian Jacqueline Leon is a force. At the top of her class academically and on top of her running game, she stands out as both a dedicated learner and an unstoppable athlete. From rejections to all time personal bests, there have been many ups and downs along the way, yet she remains focused on the bigger picture. Seeing the world through an ever-positive, never-quit lens, she’s learned to courageously stand up for what she believes in, that oftentimes sacrifice is the best path to fulfillment, and that no matter how much is going on in your own life, there’s always time to help others. For all that and more, Jacqueline Leon is– A Step Above.
G.P.A.: 4.10
- Varsity Track and Field, 2015-2018; Captain, 2016-2018
- Varsity Cross Country, 2016-2019; 2017-2019
- Varsity Bowling, 2017-2018
- BGHS Praise and Worship Choir, 2018-2019
- Holy Spirit Catholic Church Vessel Worship Band, 2018-Present; Ministry Team, 2018-Present
- JV Gaels on Broadway Winter Arts Extravaganza Performer, 2016
- Piano, 2009-Present
- National Charity League, 2013-2019; Historian, 2015-2016; Co-Chair for Chapter Fashion Show, 2017-2018
- National Honor Society, 2017-2019; National English Honor Society, 2016-2017; National Spanish Honor Society, 2016-2019; NSHS President, 2018-2019
- Mu Alpha Theta and Rho Kappa, 2017-2019
- Medical Society, 2015-2019
- Best Buddies, 2015-2018
- Science Club, 2016-2018; President, 2017-2018
Awards/ Scholarships/Community Service:
- Presidential Service Award, 2017
- Varsity White Letter, 2018
- Scholastic Art and Writing Competition Gold Key Winner, 2019
- Scholar Athlete: Track and Field, 2015-2018; Cross Country, 2016-2019
- Nevada All-State Academic Team–Track, 2015/2017-2018; Cross Country, 2016-2019
- NCL Modelette Award, 2018
- Track and Field Coach’s Award, 2017
- 2X Freshman Pride Recipient, 2015
- Cross Country Ms. GAEL Award, 2018/2019
- University Scholarships: Baylor University Academic Scholarship, 2019; Creighton University Founder’s Award and Roman Shaffel S.J. Award, 2019; Texas Christian University Dean’s Scholarship, 2019; University of Nevada, Las Vegas Excellence Scholarship, 2019; University of San Diego, Alcala Award, 2019
- Volunteer Work: Miracle League, Opportunity Village, Three Square Food Bank, Project 150, Las Vegas Rescue Mission, Shine a Light & Salvation Army
What achievements are you most proud of? “I am most proud of maintaining a 4.0+ GPA and being in the top 2.5% of my graduating class; achieving my white letter for participating in three varsity sports during one academic year; becoming captain for the varsity track team as a sophomore; and going with the cross country team to the 2017/2018 Nevada State Championship race.”
Running wasn’t initially a thing for you, and yet, here you are, killing it. How did that come to be? “Entering high school, I wanted to play soccer, but did not make the school team. I was playing club soccer, but my mom wanted me to play a school sport and thought track would be a great opportunity to build endurance for soccer. I dreaded it because I hated running. I ran the mile trial in 9:28. As I continued to work hard during meets and practice, I eventually achieved a 5:58 by my junior year. I love this sport so much because it’s something I am able to continue to do throughout college and the rest of my life.”
What is Shine a Light? “This association was created by the class of 2018 at Bishop Gorman. We collect supplies such as granola bars, sandwiches, toothpaste and soap to help the thousands of people living under the tunnels in Las Vegas. We also create mats from collected plastic bags so they can sleep on them or use them as a blanket. It makes me reflect on how fortunate I am.”
Olivia Yamamoto

Olivia Yamamoto
Coronado High School
Class of 2019
Politics are among the many interests of Coronado High School Valedictorian Olivia Yamamoto. Even before she was legally allowed to vote she began making big political waves affecting the lives of Nevada’s youth through bills that she confidently presented in front of state lawmakers. That she had the courage and confidence to do so speaks volumes about her character, while the substance of the bills–protecting equal rights for girls and the LGBTQ+ community–reflects a nature that is compassionate, inclusive and powerful. With plans to study science, technology and international relations at Georgetown University, it’s clear that she is committed to continuing her work and determined to make the world a better place for all, and for that, Olivia Yamamoto is– A Step Above.
G.P.A.: 4.8
- Varsity Golf, 2015-2016
- Orchestra, 2015-2016
- Mu Alpha Theta, 2015-2018
- Unicef Club, 2017-2018
- AP Executive Council, 2016-Present
- Mock Trial, 2016-2017
- Every Fifteen Minutes, 2018
- Coronado High School Homework Committee, 2017
Scholarships/Awards/Community Service:
- Nevada Youth Legislature Scholarship, 2019
- School Board Student Advisory Committee Scholarship, 2019; Clark County Education Association Scholarship, 2019; Clark County School District Retired Teachers’ Association Scholarship, 2019; Georgetown Scholarship, 2019
- -Rotary Youth Leadership Award, 2018
- AP Capstone Diploma & Scholar with Distinction, 2018
- Nevada Youth Legislature Chair, 2015-Present
- Trial By Peers, 2016-Present
- Clark County School Board Student Advisory Committee, 2016-Present
- YMCA Conference on National Affairs, 2017-2019
- Female Wave of Change, 2018
- My Brother’s Keeper Conference Panelist, 2019
- Muscular Dystrophy Association Camp Counselor, 2017 & 2018
- Three Square Food Bank, 2015-Present
- Christ Church Episcopal Homeless Outreach, 2017-Present
- MDA Muscle Walk, 2017 & 2018
- Anti-Defamation League Walk Against Hate, 2017
Why is environmentalism such a hot button for you? “We, as humans, are causing too much detriment to our earth and now we must act to minimize our harmful impacts. I want to encourage peaceful, diplomatic relations between nations that will foster a plan of action to reverse the course of environmental degradation.”
You’ve had some great accomplishments with Nevada Youth Legislature. Can you tell us about the bills you shaped? “In my last term, I presented my bill idea to form curricula teaching high schoolers on topics such as sexual consent, sexual assault and rape to the Nevada Legislature. In 2017, it was signed into law by the governor. In my second term, my bill (SB97) on eliminating the gay and trans panic defense was just recently passed by both the Senate and the Assembly and is now awaiting the governor’s signature.”
Who is someone you look up to and why? “Laverne Cox is my inspiration. Laverne is a beautiful, talented woman who never compromises any part of her identity for anyone. She is the epitome of self-confidence and grace, and remains a role model for unapologetically being herself, always.”
Tell us why you enjoy volunteering at the Muscular Dystrophy Camp? “My experience there has been life changing, emotional and transformative. From playing football, singing campfire songs with s’mores, and, of course, wheelchair Mario Kart, I loved every second of my time at camp. These children have the biggest hearts, and I cannot wait to see what waves they make in the world someday.”
Jackie Smith

Jackie Smith
Foothill High School
Class of 2019
Foothill High School Valedictorian Jackie Smith is a firm believer that hard work trumps talent any day. And while she does possess a range of natural ability, she has relied strongly on perseverance and tenacity to earn her stripes and accolades. Academics is where she’s exerted the most effort, always striving for straight A’s and willing to go the extra mile to achieve it. Outside the classroom she is persistent in improving herself as a dancer and dance teacher with a passion that’s earned her a coveted spot on the University of Utah dance team. Proving her own philosophy that, “You become unstoppable once you learn to never give up,” Jackie Smith is– A Step Above.
G.P.A.: 4.8
- -JV Dance Team, 2015-2016
- -Varsity Dance Team, 2016-Present
- -Marching Band Member, 2015-2016
- -Wind Ensemble Top band 2nd Chair–Flute, 2015-2016
- -National Honor Society, 2016-Present
- -Link Crew, 2017-Present
- -Mu Alpha Theta, 2018-2019
Scholarships/Awards/Community Service:
- -University of Utah Freshman Academic Achievement Scholarship, 2019-2023
- -Principal’s Award, 2019
- -English Department Award, 2019
- -High Honors Graduate Award, 2019
- -Falcon Staff Scholarship Recipient, 2019
- -National Hip Hop UDA Nationals–2nd Place, 2019
- -National Game Day UDA Nationals–4th Place, 2019
- -National Pom UDA Nationals–5th Place, 2019
- -JV Dance Team Jazz Excellence Award, 2016
- -Varsity Dance Team 110% Award, 2018; Excellence Award, 2019
- -Nevada All-State Academic Team, 2019
- -Smalley Elementary Harvest Festival Volunteer, 2017 & 2018
- -Spread the Word Nevada Volunteer, 2016-2019
- -Mardi Gras Marathon Volunteer, 2017-2019
- -Las Vegas Catholic Mission Volunteer, 2015
What are your plans for after high school? “I plan on attending the University of Utah to study cellular and molecular biology. As a pre-med student, my goal is to study as hard as possible in order to be accepted into medical school so I may pursue a career as a dermatologist. I am also so excited to dance on the University of Utah Dance Team.”
How big of a role does natural talent play in your success? “I would consider myself a fairly successful person, but this is due to my hard work rather than my natural talent or intelligence. I believe that someone that works 10x harder than someone who has raw talent will be just as successful, if not more.”
You really put yourself out there to audition for the University of Utah dance team. What did you gain from that experience? “I drove 6 hours to a brand-new city to try out for a dance team of a university where I know no one. From that experience, I’ve gained confidence, mental strength, and the ability to be independent and focus on bettering myself.”
Who is someone you look up to and why? “I’ve been lucky to have many role models, but there is no one I look up to more than my parents. My mom has been the best example of an independent woman, going through life with the strength and grace I hope to attain. My dad is the most hard-working man I have ever met, and his sense of humor and strong moral values are something I also hope to carry within myself.”