Bob Massi Love and Money

Love and Money
The Dangers Of Being Your Own Attorney
We have more friends when we are gone than when we’re alive: “Where’s my money”?
After thirty seven years of practicing law, I have learned that greed takes on many faces and it’s particularly strong when a loved one passes. Everyone comes out of the woodwork — the ones who have not called in years and the ones who never show up for holidays. Now, their tears are flowing, searching for a box of tissues. That is, until they find out they got nothing in the will or trust. Slowly, that greed makes its way toward hate. How could they? I remember the last scene in Grand Torino when they read Clint Eastwood’s will aloud. Those smiles sure turned to hate.
The sense of entitlement is a sad commentary on our world but it’s the truth. And, despite the uncomfortable possibilities, it’s most important that your desires be reflected properly in your will. Whatever you do, DON’T DO IT YOURSELF. There are too many emotions and legal loopholes to contend with and when you’re dealing with hard earned assets, this is not the time to be frugal. Plus, you might be surprised at just how cost effective it is to have an experienced attorney prepare the documents you need to have your wishes executed properly. If you want to make sure someone who has shown you the right level of love and respect is given their due, then get it right from the beginning with the proper testamentary documents.
The True Story of Mabel:
A while back, let’s call her “Mabel” came into to my office. I couldn’t help but think to never judge a book by its cover. She’s hauling a large handbag with files flowing out on all sides. Files with writing on the outside that read like a round the world trip. Good old Mabel! “OK my dear, how can I help you”? This is when the tears started flowing. “I have three children but only one has spent any time with me over the years. She visits, calls every day and makes me feel loved. As for my other two, I don’t know what happened. My husband and I worked hard and felt we raised them with lots of love. My heart aches but I also feel angry. What am I to do”?
I started reviewing her assets and realized this sweet, hard working woman acquired over a million dollars of assets in her lifetime. But at the end of the day, she would have given it all away to have the love of her three children. Needless to say, I did my best to provide comfort while reviewing her needs and asking some very sensitive questions. The time passed and I gave her some ideas on the best way to handle her wishes. I told her to hold onto the hope that things may change but in the meantime, to get her trust completed with the understanding anything can be altered if needed. The heart of a mother always wants the best for her children, even with heartache.
So here’s my advice: First and foremost, don’t engage in trying to prepare these final documents online or through other non-legal services. Listening to my clients needs with full attention cannot be substituted with a computer. Think enough of yourself and your family to do it right. At Massi & Massi Attorneys at law, we care for each and every one of our clients and give them the personal attention they deserve. We’re a family run firm through and through. There are a lot of good, strong families out there. But no matter how good your family feels today, just know that things can always change. When you come in for an affordable consultation, we’ll apply that toward the total cost if we’re hired. If you have questions about wills, trusts or probate and which is best for you and your family, schedule a phone or in-office consultation with us today by calling 702-870-1100.
Southern Nevada Water Authority

Dig In • Cash In• Save Water
SNWA Water Smart Landscapes Rebate Program
Since 2000, the Southern Nevada Water Authority’s (SNWA) Water Smart Landscapes Rebate program (WSL) has been at the forefront of the region’s efforts to conserve water amid ongoing drought on the Colorado River Basin. From its inception, WSL has helped the community save more than 108 billion gallons of water—enough to fill more than 164,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. The amount of turf converted could cover 3,205 football fields, and would be enough to wrap an 18-inch roll of sod around 94 percent of the earth’s circumference.
In case you’re unfamiliar with WSL, here’s how it works: For each square foot of water-thirsty turf you convert to water-efficient, desert-adapted landscaping, the SNWA will rebate $2 up to the first 5,000 square feet, and $1 per square foot of grass removed beyond the first 5,000 square feet. In addition to the financial incentives for property owners, the SNWA projects a savings of 55,000 gallons of water per year for the average 1,000 square-foot WSL conversion. You also can realize further savings through reduced repair costs for water damage related to sprinklers, as well as lower landscape maintenance fees and a decreased risk of water waste fees.
The process is simple, and follows three easy steps: check in, dig in, and cash in.
Check In
Begin your landscape transformation by applying at, or calling (702) 258-SAVE (7283) for a printed application. After completing the application, SNWA Conservation staff will review your lawn, measure the conversion areas, calculate your rebate, and answer your questions. A pre-conversion site visit is required before removing your lawn; starting the process without the site visit will make your conversion ineligible.
Upon enrollment, you will receive the “Simply Beautiful” packet, a step-by-step guide to landscape planning, installation and maintenance. The SNWA also offers a variety of online tools and resources to help you plan, install, and maintain your new landscape.
Dig In
From here, you can dig in and do the work yourself, or if you choose instead to hire a professional, you can review a list of Water Smart Contractors at Water Smart Contractors are well-trained in the WSL program, and they can help you get your landscape conversion completed.
If you elect to complete the work yourself, take advantage of free sample landscape designs at The SNWA website also features a plant search tool, presented in conjunction with the Springs Preserve, which you can use to search for plants by type, such as trees, cactus, or groundcover; characteristics including height, water requirements, and flower colors; and by common or botanical name.
Cash In
Once your conversion is done and an SNWA staff member has signed-off on it, you’ll begin to reap water-savings benefits, in addition to pocketing your rebate. Every square foot of grass replaced with water-smart trees, shrubs and flowers saves an average of 55 gallons of water per year. For WSL program conditions, FAQs, sample landscape designs and other resources, visit
Bob Massi Starting Own Business

Starting your Own Business
What You Need to Know to Succeed
Over the last ten years, I have seen more people start their own businesses than ever before. Partially, due to a poor economy forcing them into entrepreneurship and partially because technology has advanced so far that it’s opened up new opportunities. As an attorney who has helped new business owners for over 35 years, it’s both wonderful to watch and frustrating to see how many jump in head first without setting it up properly.
The story of Jake & Alex: Best friends who didn’t make the best partners.
Jake and Alex have been friends for over 20 years and coincidentally found themselves without work, due to downsizing, at the same time. They voiced their frustrations to each other and realized that in between the grief, they both had some great business ideas. It may have felt like a pipe dream in the past, but they decided they were being given a chance to start something new together. After all, they had been close friends for what felt like forever so they were the perfect match, or so they thought.
Together, they had a good amount of money saved so they opened a coffee shop that was more modern with better menu options than what was currently available in their town. The truth is, they did have a great idea. They were starting something that people wanted and they chose a great location that would attract strong foot traffic. They also had a deep mutual trust. Yet what they would realize over time is that they were too alike in terms of their skills and neither had a strong enough sense of business to make it work. They also didn’t have the same long term goals for the business and made the cardinal mistake of never putting anything in writing when they partnered. These missteps were just the beginning of what led to the demise of their business just 18 months after opening, and eroded decades of a long friendship.
I have seen countless stories similar to the above and it proves that a good idea doesn’t work unless it’s set up for success from the beginning. If Jake and Alex had come to see me prior to officially starting the business, I would have told them that before anything else, the following foundational elements always need to be established:
- A competent attorney: An attorney would have warned them about potential pitfalls and ensured they put everything in writing to avoid problems later on.
- A good CPA: An accountant could have helped them avoid some of the financial mistakes they made at the beginning.
- A strong banking relationship: This is always a must have.
Beyond these, there are a number of common mistakes that frequently lead to the failure of a new business:
The choice between an LLC, sole proprietorship, joint venture, corporation, partnership and more: Know the difference and what’s right for you. People don’t take this element seriously enough and an attorney can advise on proper operating agreements, buy-sell agreements and more to limit any future liability.
DIY legal websites: Don’t be fooled by their convenience. They are never a good idea and not a substitute for a competent attorney who will advise you on your specific case. It will only cost you later on when something goes wrong.
Checks and balances: As the business grows, it can be tempting to outsource tasks and take your eye off what’s happening behind the scenes. Embezzlement is a real issue and has happened to many people who have made this mistake. Make sure to set up a checks and balances system to ensure you have a watchful eye on all aspects of your business, especially financial.
The right partnership: As described above, partnerships can make or break a business. Ask yourself the following questions before diving in: Do you and your potential partner complement each other in skills? Do you have the same vision for the company and do you have a good understanding of their background as well as other business successes or failures? I have a saying on this topic that with partnerships, you inherit their enemies and never their friends. I have seen this prove true again and again.
If you’re considering a new business venture, call Massi & Massi Attorneys at Law at 702-870-1100. We’ll sit down together and make sure everything is laid out properly for success.
Fast Fix Jewelers

Why Create Wedding Ring Wednesday? Questions answered by Kalin Manchev, owner of Fast-Fix Jewelry and Watch Repairs located in Anthem Village * Galleria Mall * Meadows Mall.
Any Wednesday Come to Fast-Fix Jewelry and Watch Repairs In Galleria Mall, Meadows Mall or Anthem Village for FREE Professional Ring Inspection, Polishing, Cleaning and Rhodium Plating
Why Wedding Ring Wednesday?
Because, most people don’t really think of getting their wedding rings inspected on a monthly basis. In fact, people tend to forget about the rings until a problem occurs, such as a worn prongs or a lost precious stone or a diamond. You can understand why such precautions may be necessary- especially when it comes to rings, which are worn daily. While you may be able to replace the ring, replacing the memories and sentiments will be much more difficult. Your wedding or engagement ring is likely one of your most prized possessions!
Why Safety Inspection?
Our Jewelers will point out any loose stones and recommend tightening them. They will point out worn out and bent prongs. If more extensive damage or wear may require repair or replacement of certain parts of the ring including tips, prongs, tightening of stones, and any structural concerns, they will advise you- and with your consent, they will perform all operations and repairs on premises while you wait.
Why Cleaning?
Dirt can very easily accumulate in rings, especially if the design is intricate. Our Jewelers will clean the dirt from hard to reach places, which cannot be easily reached at home. The dirt that accumulates in the rings can cause further friction which increases the rate of wear and tear. In addition, dirt can also hide any defects which may cause problems in the future if gone undetected.
Why Polishing?
Polishing is mainly for aesthetic purposes and can have your wedding or engagement ring looking like new. Once the ring is checked and cleaned, it is polished based on the discretion of the customer. Polishing for gold or silver plated rings should also be avoided since the plate may be removed as a result of the polishing. If a plated ring is polished, it will have to be recoated, which can incur more expenses.
Why Rhodium Plating (White gold rings)?
Rhodium is a precious metal that is in the family of platinum. For rhodium plated jewelry, it involves plating the jewelry with a surface that guards against scratches and also gives a reflective white appearance. It is most commonly found on white gold jewelry,but can also be used on silver and other materials. Rhodium plating can also be referred to as rhodium washing or rhodium dip. Rhodium increases shine, luster and durability. Additionally, it will make your jewelry more resistant to scratches. Because it is just plating, it will wear off over time. Depending on how often you wear the piece of jewelry, and how much wear and tear it gets, it may need to be re-applied every 6 months. How often should you get your wedding and engagement rings inspected? Yes, on any given Wednesday and our Jewelers will ensure that the value of your ring doesn’t go down. If the ring is of sentimental value as well, the jewelry inspection will make sure that no damage comes to it, ensuring longevity and beauty.
Bob Massi Time Share

Considering a Timeshare?
What to Know Before Signing on the Dotted Line
As the weather cools down and winter arrives, you may find yourself nostalgic for the summer weekends and vacation memories you’ve just experienced. Facebook and Instagram are filled with travelers enjoying sunny resorts in exotic places throughout the seasons, with possibly some of your friends touting the benefits of having their own timeshares in paradise just waiting for their next getaway. But is the timeshare life for you? Before signing a binding contract that you may regret, here’s a few things you should know.
The true story of Roberta and Rob:
Like many of us, Roberta and her husband Rob dreamed of a second home by the ocean where they could spend summers and holidays with their families. After months of hearing how their neighbor Jane is loving her timeshare in the Bahamas, they knew they had to consider one for themselves. They found the perfect spot and could already envision their sunset cocktails on the porch. Yet luckily for them, they had the sense to consult with Massi & Massi Attorneys at Law before signing on the dotted line. We advised them on the positives and the negatives they should be aware of, the potential pitfalls that might be encountered, as well as extra expenses they hadn’t factored in the total cost. Just as with any major purchase, it’s important to have your eyes wide open to the entire transaction.
First thing’s first. What is a timeshare?
A timeshare is a property (typically smaller homes, such as condominiums) where multiple parties purchase and hold rights to use the property at different periods of time throughout the year. In almost all cases, each owner only has rights to the property for a specific time period annually. There are also timeshare options that allow for fractional or point based ownerships within a larger network of properties. These can be attractive for those that don’t want to be tied to visiting the same location every year, and would like longer vacation stays with more luxurious accommodations and amenities. Because timeshare units are often located on resort properties, the “owner” may have access to many of the activities and amenities the resort offers to all of their guests.
This sounds perfect for me! What’s the concern?
Oftentimes, the timeshare ownership is “pitched” while you’re on an existing vacation, having been lured into the discussion in exchange for free excursions or other incentives. This presents for an emotional, even impulsive purchase that doesn’t seem as complicated or expensive as it sounded, until all of the added fees and costs arrive after the fact. As mentioned above, the purchase of a timeshare can be fairly restrictive, and even if the parameters work at the time of purchase, circumstances change over time. In addition, unlike a home, timeshares depreciate in value, so purchasing one should never be seen as investment, no matter what your sales person says. When you combine these factors with the difficulty in selling a timeshare if your lifestyle changes, you could find yourself in a financial mess.
How hard is it getting out of a timeshare?
Depending on the company you used for the purchase, as well as stipulations in your contract, there may be options. Certain states do have a clause where you can rescind your agreement within 72 hours if you’re experiencing buyer’s remorse, so ask what the policies are for that state or country during the purchase presentation. Other timeshare companies will attempt to work with individuals who want to cancel their timeshares, as they hope to avoid the bad press of customer complaints. It’s always advisable to negotiate with the company when possible before pursuing any legal action. If you find they will not be flexible or work with you, you can default on the property with the understanding they can foreclose, but your credit will be negatively impacted. Ultimately, the best course of action is to fully understand the contract before you sign and, as with any sizeable purchase, don’t fork over cash and signatures without careful consideration.
The bottom line is that timeshares work very well for some people but are all too often a big regret for others who jump at the idea before understanding what they are getting into. If you have questions regarding a timeshare or other real estate issues, contact Massi & Massi Attorneys at Law today for an in-person, online or phone consultation.
Las Vegas Water District

An Investment in our Future
The Water System Renewal Initiative
A 10-year effort by the Las Vegas Valley Water District (LVVWD) to renew and enhance the community’s $1.7-billion municipal water delivery system is well under way.
Last year, the Clark County Board of Commissioners—serving in its dual role as the LVVWD’s Board of Directors—adopted a capital improvement plan for the not-for-profit water utility, which serves all of Las Vegas and unincorporated portions of Clark County. The LVVWD’s water delivery system is currently rated among the nation’s most efficient, with a main break rate eight times lower than the national average and a water loss rate that is approaching world-class. To keep it that way, a citizen’s advisory committee recommended proactively reinvesting in the vast network to maintain reliable water service for customers and prevent expensive emergency repairs.
The LVVWD’s system includes approximately 6,500 linear miles of water mains and service lines, nearly a billion gallons of reservoir storage, and enough pumps to move more than a million gallons of water per minute around the valley. In 2017, the LVVWD delivered more than 100 billion gallons of water to nearly 400,000 residential and business customers.
“Water infrastructure is largely invisible,” explained LVVWD Infrastructure Management Director Greg Kodweis, who has been working in the industry for more than two decades. “You turn on the faucet, and water comes out. People don’t really think about what goes into making that happen until something breaks; at that point, it becomes an emergency. Our goal is to prevent that from happening and make water service something you don’t have to think about.”
To minimize service interruptions, the LVVWD’s Infrastructure Management department continually evaluates the condition of the system, which is comprised of millions of individual pipeline segments, valves, meters and other components. Each of these components has a finite service life; while large-diameter pipelines can last decades, meters may last fewer than 10 years. The key, Kodweis said, is to stay on top of maintenance and know when it’s time to replace parts.
“It’s kind of like maintaining a car. If you don’t change the oil and replace the tires and belts periodically, you’ll end up broken down on the side of the road,” Kodweis said. “We use sophisticated software to identify potential issues of concern and prioritize rehabilitation and replacement projects. This technology allows us to get the most of our facilities while minimizing costly emergency repairs.”
For instance, the LVVWD uses a water pressure monitoring system to optimize operations and maximize the life of pipelines, while a high-tech acoustic monitoring system “listens” for leaks and isolates their location so crews can quickly make repairs. This technology also allows maintenance engineers to determine the structural integrity of pipelines—without having to excavate them—so they can prioritize replacement activities and maximize the useful life of water mains.
In total, the LVVWD is investing more than $600 million during the next decade in the community’s water system, with about two-thirds of those funds targeting repair and replacement projects to benefit existing customers. The balance is divided between new facilities to serve growing portions of the valley and a state-mandated water quality protection initiative. For more information, visit
Bob Massi

Considering a Timeshare?
What to Know Before Signing on the Dotted Line
As the weather cools down and winter arrives, you may find yourself nostalgic for the summer weekends and vacation memories you’ve just experienced. Facebook and Instagram are filled with travelers enjoying sunny resorts in exotic places throughout the seasons, with possibly some of your friends touting the benefits of having their own timeshares in paradise just waiting for their next getaway. But is the timeshare life for you? Before signing a binding contract that you may regret, here’s a few things you should know.
The true story of Roberta and Rob:
Like many of us, Roberta and her husband Rob dreamed of a second home by the ocean where they could spend summers and holidays with their families. After months of hearing how their neighbor Jane is loving her timeshare in the Bahamas, they knew they had to consider one for themselves. They found the perfect spot and could already envision their sunset cocktails on the porch. Yet luckily for them, they had the sense to consult with Massi & Massi Attorneys at Law before signing on the dotted line. We advised them on the positives and the negatives they should be aware of, the potential pitfalls that might be encountered, as well as extra expenses they hadn’t factored in the total cost. Just as with any major purchase, it’s important to have your eyes wide open to the entire transaction.
First thing’s first. What is a timeshare?
A timeshare is a property (typically smaller homes, such as condominiums) where multiple parties purchase and hold rights to use the property at different periods of time throughout the year. In almost all cases, each owner only has rights to the property for a specific time period annually. There are also timeshare options that allow for fractional or point based ownerships within a larger network of properties. These can be attractive for those that don’t want to be tied to visiting the same location every year, and would like longer vacation stays with more luxurious accommodations and amenities. Because timeshare units are often located on resort properties, the “owner” may have access to many of the activities and amenities the resort offers to all of their guests.
This sounds perfect for me! What’s the concern?
Oftentimes, the timeshare ownership is “pitched” while you’re on an existing vacation, having been lured into the discussion in exchange for free excursions or other incentives. This presents for an emotional, even impulsive purchase that doesn’t seem as complicated or expensive as it sounded, until all of the added fees and costs arrive after the fact. As mentioned above, the purchase of a timeshare can be fairly restrictive, and even if the parameters work at the time of purchase, circumstances change over time. In addition, unlike a home, timeshares depreciate in value, so purchasing one should never be seen as investment, no matter what your sales person says. When you combine these factors with the difficulty in selling a timeshare if your lifestyle changes, you could find yourself in a financial mess.
How hard is it getting out of a timeshare?
Depending on the company you used for the purchase, as well as stipulations in your contract, there may be options. Certain states do have a clause where you can rescind your agreement within 72 hours if you’re experiencing buyer’s remorse, so ask what the policies are for that state or country during the purchase presentation. Other timeshare companies will attempt to work with individuals who want to cancel their timeshares, as they hope to avoid the bad press of customer complaints. It’s always advisable to negotiate with the company when possible before pursuing any legal action. If you find they will not be flexible or work with you, you can default on the property with the understanding they can foreclose, but your credit will be negatively impacted. Ultimately, the best course of action is to fully understand the contract before you sign and, as with any sizeable purchase, don’t fork over cash and signatures without careful consideration.
The bottom line is that timeshares work very well for some people but are all too often a big regret for others who jump at the idea before understanding what they are getting into. If you have questions regarding a timeshare or other real estate issues, contact Massi & Massi Attorneys at Law today for an in-person, online or phone consultation.
Senior Care Plus

Senior Care Plus
Southern Nevada’s New Medicare Advantage Plan
Senior Care Plus, the Medicare Advantage plan from Hometown Health, is amid its first open enrollment period since launching in Clark and Nye counties earlier this year. Doug Geinzer, CEO of Las Vegas HEALS, talks with CJ Bawden of Senior Care Plus for more on the plan, its care model, and what seniors can expect from southern Nevada’s Medicare landscape.
Doug Geinzer: CJ, this is the first open enrollment period for Senior Care Plus in southern Nevada, what can Medicare eligible residents expect from the plan?
CJ Bawden: With Senior Care Plus, Hometown Health is offering seniors in southern Nevada a 4.5-star Medicare Advantage plan, which is impressive since the highest rating a plan can achieve is five. New Senior Care Plus members can expect competitive benefit options, exceptional customer service, and experienced care management. Members will enjoy a variety of PPO health insurance plans with access to a wide range of health care providers, thanks to our partnership with P3 Nevada. Our entrance into the market is more than just another insurance offering, we’re expanding the very limited selection of Medicare Advantage plans, allowing seniors to have yet another choice when making important healthcare decisions.
Geinzer: Tell us more about your partnership with P3 Health Partners.
Bawden: As our provider network, P3 Nevada and Senior Care Plus will work together and focus on the provider and patient experience, increasing positive healthcare outcomes by delivering high-value care and benefits. P3’s community of experienced providers delivers excellent patient care at their physician-led clinics where they specialize in helping southern Nevada’s seniors remain healthy and active, which is the hallmark of Senior Care Plus and Hometown Health vision.
Geinzer: How about access to care? Will members have long waiting periods before they can see a doctor?
Bawden: The short answer is no. P3 currently has five clinics, with four more opening later this fall, all located conveniently around the valley and in Pahrump. Our members can see a physician when needed and with convenience.
Not only will they have timely medical visits, our members will be supported before, during, and after doctor visits with a comprehensive team of care managers, dietitians, behavioral health specialists, and much more. Both Senior Care Plus and P3 Nevada support a 360-degree care model.
Geinzer: You mentioned before about a lack of health insurance choices. Tell us more about challenges that you see regarding Medicare in our market?
Bawden: I don’t like to look at it as “challenges,” but more as an opportunity. Yes, the market has experienced some disruption, with companies pulling their Medicare plans and leaving residents with limited choices. Fortunately, this provides us an opportunity to offer a highly-rated Medicare Advantage plan, backed by a stellar provider network, all supported by the oldest nonprofit health insurance company in Nevada.
Geinzer: Where can seniors find more information on Senior Care Plus?
Bawden: Interested seniors can find out more about Senior Care Plus by visiting our website,, or call us at 702-914-0863. We understand that choosing the right Medicare Advantage plan can be confusing and complicated, potential members are welcome to stop by our office at 8930 W. Sunset Rd., #200 Las Vegas, NV 89148. One of our customer service representatives will guide the potential member through the process, step-by-step.
CJ Bawden is Sales and Marketing Manager for Senior Care Plus, a Medicare Advantage Plan from Hometown Health. Doug Geinzer is CEO of Las Vegas HEALS, a nonprofit membership-based healthcare association.
Prestige Nails

What you May Not Know Could Hurt You
Why Details Matter at the Nail Salon
Getting our nails done is more than just for vanity’s sake. Healthy feet and hands are vital to our overall well-being, and a manicure or a pedicure performed by a professional technician can prevent ingrown toenails and dry or cracked skin that becomes prone to infection, as well as promote good circulation and relaxation while keeping stress at bay. Still, not every salon is the same when it comes to providing a safe environment for these services. We often pick a nail salon due to its close proximity and service menu that’s easy on the wallet. We get it, there’s nothing like a $20 Mani Pedi combo, right? But knowing what to look for and the questions to ask at your next visit can mean the difference between happy fingers and toes, or a nasty infection that could take months to heal and put a hole in your wallet. Tsu and Nataliia, owners of Prestige Nail Boutique offer these tips on salon safety and cleanliness, as well as red flags to watch out for.
Red Flags and Things to Stay Away From:
The best way to judge a salon is by its pedicure bowls. Always look for a salon that uses individual, jet less foot baths. Spa chairs with built in bowls are very hard to properly clean and bacteria love to live in the jets and pipes. Dead skin, bacteria and hard to kill spores thrive in these hiding spaces inside the mechanisms, thereby exposing you to contaminated water and potential issues. A solid surface bowl fitted with a disposable liner is the best way to prevent infections.
Another area of concern is the tools being used. Do the files or buffers look like they’ve been used on another customer? If you see any lines in the paper from previous use, it’s a red flag. We’ve often seen these items being reused in salons all around the world. These should be one time use items since they can’t be sterilized and do harbor bacteria. At Prestige Nail Boutique, we use disposable files, buffers, cuticle sticks, pedicure liners, manicure bowls, toe separators and slippers. We feel it’s worth the extra investment to provide peace of mind for our clients.
Finally, ask how the tools are cleaned. Don’t be shy, after all its your health that is at risk! Find out if the salon uses an autoclave or a dry heat sterilizer or at the very minimum, a hospital grade disinfectant. Unfortunately, many salons skip both steps entirely and use either cheap Windex, soap, alcohol or autoclave brand pouches that are never run through the actual machine.
How Should Tools be Properly Cleaned?
Sure, you see the manicurist soaking the tools in disinfectant solution or removing them from what looks like a microwave with UV light but what does that mean? It’s surprisingly hard to clean what is essentially surgical equipment used on your hands and feet. Sanitizers and disinfectants reduce bacteria, but can’t kill all forms of spores and fungi that can live dormant for months. UV light sterilizers are typically what are seen in most nail salons, but they don’t really do anything. It’s as if you left your tools out in the sun. An Autoclave or dry heat sterilizer are medical-grade devices that are able to reach the ideal temperature for killing all bacteria. This is considered the highest level of sterilization. If the tools come in an autoclave pouch (usually blue & white), check the label to make sure the color strip has changed color. If the strip on the packet looks new and the color is unchanged it’s a good indicator that the salon is pretending to use an autoclave and the tools might not be properly sterilized or worse, not sterilized at all.
At Prestige Nail Boutique we clean our metal tools using a 3-step process: sanitation, disinfection and sterilization in a U.S. made FDA registered, dry heat sterilizer that’s guaranteed to kill all pathogens.
Watch out for Products and Environments that are Toxic
The kinds of products used on your body do matter. Why expose yourself and your nail technician to harmful chemicals if it’s not necessary? Most nail salons use inexpensive polishes that contain toxic ingredients known or suspected of causing health issues from cancer and dermatitis to reproductive and neurological disorders. Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP), Formaldehyde, Toluene, Formaldehyde Resin and Camphor are commonly used in polishes and can be harmful. Unlike most other salons, Prestige Nail Boutique only uses high quality, Cruelty Free, Vegan, Big 5-Free nail polishes, Odorless and MMA free Acrylic and Big 5-Free Hard Gel resulting in healthier nails. We even carry water based, non-toxic, hypoallergenic polishes that are safe for kids and expecting mothers.
In addition, Prestige Nail Boutique features a state of the art ventilation system that continually replaces the inside air of the salon with fresh air from the outside, thereby minimizing exposure to whatever is left lurking in the air. We feel the health of our customers and nail technicians is of the utmost importance, and worth the added cost we incur in providing these upgrades.
So next time when you are getting your nails done, ask questions – be aware – and proactively chose a salon that puts YOUR health and well-being at the forefront of their business.
cox communications

Above Owen is pictured with his dad Gale and Cox Communications’ Stephanie Stallworth
Henderson middle school student Owen Fulton receives Cox’s Gig 4 Good award for his “Kid’s Stuff” podcast
Honoring customers’ good deeds and Cox’s promise to providing Gig speeds throughout Southern Nevada

Owen Fulton, a 13-year-old Henderson resident, received Cox Communications’ “Gig 4 Good” award, a special recognition that acknowledges Cox’s commitment to offering Gig internet speeds to customers throughout Southern Nevada and those who use their Cox high-speed internet for good.
Through the “Gig 4 Good” award, Cox will provide Owen’s family with one year of free Gigablast internet service, valued at more than $1,200. This will enable the Pinecrest Academy student to continue to grow and share his “Kid’s Stuff” podcast. Listeners throughout the United States and several countries, including educators and home-school groups, regularly tune in to “Kid’s Stuff” to hear interesting topics in a family-friendly format that encourages listeners to do independent research to expand their learning.
Cox Las Vegas employees nominated Southern Nevada Cox customers who were using their Cox internet service to help others and bring people closer. Ian Figueras, a manager at Cox Business, nominated Owen and is “stoked” that Owen’s efforts have been recognized.
“Owen is a very smart young man and he has created an exceptional podcast which is well researched and better than some corporate-backed podcasts that I have listened to,” said Figueras.
According to Cox Vice President and Market Leader Michael Bolognini, Cox first launched Gigablast speeds in Southern Nevada in 2014 and now, Gigablast is available throughout Southern Nevada for homes and businesses.
“It is very rewarding to see people in our community who are positively using Cox’s internet service for a good cause, including Owen as he shares his love of learning with others around the world,” said Bolognini.
To meet the technology needs of its customers, Cox is investing $10 billion over five years, with a focus on enhancing the customer experience both inside and outside of the home.
From today’s smartphones and tablets to new and emerging technologies such as wearables, home automation, and even smart appliances like refrigerators and washing machines, there is a growing consumer demand for fast, expansive WiFi coverage that blankets the whole home. Cox’s Gigablast and Panoramic WiFi services deliver that experience.
What is Gigabit Internet?
Gigabit internet means that 1,000,000,000 bits of data is transferred through fiber optic cables in one second. Cox Gigablast (1 gigabit internet) is roughly 85x faster than average DSL speeds.
What’s the difference between a megabit and gigabit?
If your current internet speed is 10 Mbps (megabits per second), Cox Gigablast offers up to 100 times that (1 Gbps). With all those extra megabits, you can download a video game in less than a minute, download 100 albums in 44 seconds, or download 121 tv episodes in 60 minutes.
“It is very rewarding to see people in our community who are positively using Cox’s internet service for a good cause.
—Michael Bolognini
To learn more about Cox Gigablast, visit
The “Kid’s Stuff” podcast can be heard at